>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 10

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1 Issue 10

New Moon News
Want to own the New Moon script that was found before filming was through? Well good news, because finders are not keepers this time! 


The St. Louis Business Journal reports: 
Casey Ray, the St. Louis hair salon owner who found the script for “New Moon” in a trash dumpster a year ago, has placed the script up for auction on eBay.

The script was autographed by “New Moon” stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. The auction package includes the original autographed script, the ticket for the premiere of the film attended by Ray, the screening ticket, the premiere after-party invitation and a letter of authenticity for the script issued by Summit Entertainment.

Bidding opens at $10,000. 


Chips of Eclipse

A NEW still! Ok, it looks similar, but it's new. Y'all trust me, right?

Twilight Examiner lets us know that the Hollywood premier will take place on June 24, but no one is quite sure where! As soon as I know, you'll know just where to line up!

A VERY funny video of Kiowa Gordon caught by TMZ

You can now pre-order the The Twilight Saga Eclipse: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion!

Nathan Lane talks about his upcoming role in Eclipse ;)

Saturday Night Magazine interviewed our New Victoria, Bryce Dallas Howard, and asked her about her role in the third Twilight film

SNMag: What has it been like joining the cast of Twilight?
BDH: It’s a really extraordinary series and obviously the franchise really reflects what Stephenie Meyer has created with a lot of integrity. She’s so involved with the movies and it is really wonderful. It’s really an incredible storytelling moment. And people are really connecting with and responding to that. So I read the books and I just did my best for the character Victoria. I just wanted to do my best not to interfere with the books.

SNMag: Did you feel pressure coming into this, with the character already being established?
BDH: Yes, of course I did. Rachelle [Lefevre] did an extraordinary job at creating Victoria and part of the joy of a franchise like this is getting to see not only the characters grow but the actors continuing to grow with the characters. That’s a lot of the joy in the Harry Potter series. Every time I see one of those movies it’s so exciting to see them because they’re all getting a little bit older and different things are happening to them. It’s like watching a TV show. You start to connect with the actors really deeply. It was really unfortunate for everybody that Rachelle left. I did feel, I don’t know if I should say a pressure, but an enormous responsibility because the fans felt really strongly about the role of Victoria and they felt a deep connection to Rachelle, which they should because she is also beautiful and talented. I really did do my best and I hope that whatever work I did can somehow honor what had been created before and what was created by Stephenie. I felt really grateful to this because Rachelle and I have connected. She’s an amazing woman and has been enormously and overwhelmingly helpful.

SNMag: What was the shooting like for you? Did you have an opportunity to hang out with the cast and bond with them?
BDH: Oh, yes, I mean they’re a very tight-knit group of people who are just wonderful. They’re incredibly authentic and none of them are getting swept up by the mania of this. They just care about each other and are protective of each other. They are just a great group of friends. I feel like all of these people would have been friends regardless. They all bonded through this amazing moment that’s happening in their lives.
Alex Meraz also gives us some dish on what Paul will be like in Eclipse AND his strangest fan encounters

Ooh, an angrier Paul? That most likely means a less shirty Paul too!

For a full transcript, click here.

Little Brown is reissuing the Eclipse paperbacks with two new covers. Which one do you like best? Let us know below!

Jodelle Ferland talks about The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Oh, (possibly) awesome sound track news! NME reports that Florence Welch of the ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE, BEST ALBUM OF 2009 (award given by me, ehm) Florence + The Machine might be on the Eclipse soundtrack.
Welch admitted that she could be following in the footsteps of the likes of Muse and Thom Yorke, athough any involvement in the follow-up to second Twilight film A New Moon is yet to be signed off.

"I would [do a song for the Twilight] soundtrack," the singer said, "[but] it's not confirmed yet..."The singer was speaking as part of a special 10 covers issue of NME on the state of music in 2010, which is on UK newsstands today (April 7).

If you're not familiar with Florence + The Machine, I suggest you fix this issue. Here's a wonderful fan video of  "Cosmic Love" to get a taste

Bites of Breaking Dawn

Deadline.com says we might have our BD director already! Bill Condon.

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Condon has emerged as the number one choice to direct the final two installments of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, I’m told. Summit Entertainment hasn’t signed him, but I’m told that after several strong meetings, they are negotiating.

Condon was among a list of A-list directors approved by Summit and Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. That list included Gus Van Sant, Sofia Coppola and Fernando Meirelles.

Shooting will begin in the fall, and I heard the plan is to shoot two films back to back. That was just what my colleague Nikki Finke reported. She also wrote that Summit was looking for a big director and Dreamgirls and Gods and Monsters director Condon certainly fits that bill

Hrm, what do you think? I actually say "Gods and Monsters" when it was in theaters and I cannot express to you how boring it was.  Seriously. If you're ever in need of sleep, just pop that dvd in. However, I did love Dreamgirls! Do you think there would be any better directors? Let us know in the comments!
Someone lost complete control this weekend. Boo Boo Stewart, slated to play Seth in Eclipse & Breaking was assaulted by someone who doesn't like the series. They punched the 15 yr old actor in the face.



MTV spoke with BD script writer Melissa Rosenberg to find out what she knows about Breaking Dawn: 3D? Two films?

"No, she didn't share whether the novel will be adapted into one film or two. And no, we still don't know who will be the final director. And we definitely have no clue whether "BD" will be shot in 3-D.

But what Melissa was able to share was that "BD" will have a very solid PG-13 rating, like its previous installments. "That's your audience," she told Film.com. "In this series, you don't sacrifice anything. There are some movies that wouldn't play at PG-13, like 'The Hangover,' but this is just not one of them for me. Again, if you're capturing character, emotion and emotional journey, you're OK."

Details from eclipsmovie.org
"BooBoo Stewart tweeted earlier how he got sucker punched by a crazy person while he was out at a signing.

His mom later messaged fans via Facebook and said how she couldn’t quite believe it and that he had a cut to his face and hand. She also said the reason was because the guy did this was because he didn’t like Twilight….WTF!"


Kristen Stewart's immortality in ink "Fame" comic is now available for pre-order!
Check out this blurb from Blue Water;

Writer Kim Sherman, who has also penned Bluewaters' Robert Pattinson entry in the series, said that Stewart's versatility and talent might surprise readers who only know her as Bella.

"For Twilight fans, Kristen Stewart is a woman whom fans long to be and love to hate," Sherman said. "But Kristen has been in the public eye for years, and her career as a serious actor spans dozens of films over a 10-year period of time. My goal with this biography was to show readers the depth residing in this young woman and the roles she's beautifully tackled through a series of spot shots, pinups and word art."

Sherman added that the art on this book, provided by renowned artist Warren Martineck, perfectly brings Stewart's story to life.

"Well-known artist Warren Martineck, of Marvel and D.C. fame, takes my script and provides an amazing viewpoint of the beauty, the grit and the individuality which defines Miss Stewart," Sherman said.

The 32-page comic book, Fame: Kristen Stewart will be available in June, and will retail for $3.99. Two covers will be available: cover A, by Juanmar Studios which attaches like a puzzle to the FAME: Robert Pattinson issue. Cover B is done by famed comic book artist Randy Green "X-men and Witchblade".




From Eclipsemovie.org, comes this sweet Rob treat!

For a chance to win it (before the 'best by' date) head over to Love Film

It's  A Paulex Fest!
This week was flushed with an incredible amount of Alex Meraz (aka Paul) pics. 





These are from Da Man Magazine. Check out the rest of the Paulex photos here!



That's all for this week! Join me next Twilight Thursday for rumors, picspam, and all the news that's fit to link to! 


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