>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 19

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 19

With little more than two weeks left until the Eclipse premier, the media machine is in full swing!

The Twilight Saga won HUGE at the MTV Movie Awards this weekend:
·        Best Female Performance – Kristen Stewart, New Moon
·        Best Breakout Star – Anna Kendrick, Up in the Air
·        Best Kiss – Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart, New Moon
·        Best Male Performance – Robert Pattinson, New Moon
·        Global Superstar – Robert Pattinson
·        Best Movie – The Twilight Saga: New Moon



After last year’s trickster non-kiss, I was very curious as to what Rob & Kristen would cook up if they won. Here are the very awkward results. What do you think: cute or just strange? Let us know below!
But what everyone really tuned into see was the new clip of Eclipse. Unfortunately, it’s not so much new material as it is an extended scene that we’ve spied in the previous trailers. However, the tension does seem juicy! And I love how Bella calls Edward out for lying to her:
MTV spoke to Rob in betweens his several jaunts to the stage:
MTV Also caught up with Peter Facinelli & asked for his opinion on Eclipse
Here are list of appearances of our TwiStars:
  • June 14th – Robert Pattinson on The Today Show
  • June 15th – Robert Pattinson on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
  • June 28th – Taylor Lautner on Live with Regis and Kelly
  • June 28th – Kristen Stewart on The Late Show with David Letterman
  • June 29th – Kristen Stewart on Live with Regis and Kelly
  • July 1st – Taylor Lautner on The Late Show with David Letterman
  • July 6th – Nikki Reed on Live with Regis and Kelly
  • July 7th – Bryce Dallas Howard on Live with Regis and Kelly
Check out these new clips & TV Spots
I love Rosalie’s resentment of Bella in this clip. Nikki really knows how to do so much with so little!
If you haven’t picked up your copy of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, you can read it FREE online! If you’re anything like me though, you love the physicality of a good book. There’s good news for you too! $1 from every book purchase is donated to the Red Cross.
Meyer had an interview with USAToday about The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and she explains why she believes it’s important to read the novella before seeing Eclipse.
“Q: Why do you feel it is important for people to read Bree's story prior to the release of the Eclipse movie?
A: Eclipse is told from only Bella's perspective. That has some limitations; when there is so much going on off-stage (so to speak), it leaves a lot of mysteries. The films have the advantage of seeing the story from outside of Bella's head. The viewer can see things — like the wolves hunting Victoria in New Moon— that the reader only gets hints of. Of all the Twilight books, Eclipse has the most going on outside of Bella's view. For the movie to work, we have to see and understand some of these things.
Knowing that elements of Bree's story were being incorporated into the movie, I hoped the story could somehow get out first. Personally, I always want to read a book before seeing the movie. I like to make my own mental pictures before someone else's picture intrudes. Probably most of my readers don't have the same hang-up, but for those who do, I wanted to give them the chance to create their own mental pictures of Bree and the gang.
Q: In which order would you recommend one read The Twilight Saga with the addition of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner? Should they follow Eclipse with the novella or finish Breaking Dawn before cracking the pages of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?
A: If I were going to read the saga for the first time, I would probably read Bella's story straight through before launching into other perspectives.”
As per usual, Stephenie Meyer has recommended a playlist to listen to while reading The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner –click the song title to listen to a sample of each song–
The Twilight Saga Eclipse: Soundtrack was also released this week and USAToday gives it a short & sweet review with 3 stars!
The list of music for the Eclipse Score has now been released!
  • Riley
  • Compromise/Bella’s Theme
  • Bella’s Truck/Florida
  • Victoria
  • Imprinting
  • The Cullens Plan
  • First Kiss
  • Rosalie
  • Decisions, Decisions…
  • They’re Coming Here
  • Jacob Black
  • Jasper
  • Wolf Scent
  • Mountain Peak
  • The Kiss
  • The Battle/Victoria vs. Edward
  • Jane
  • As Easy As Breathing
  • Wedding Plans
Hot Topic’s Eclipse store is now open! There are so many cool items, there’s something for every fan! Including Team Switzerland. For us plus sized ladies, Torrid has a few things stocked in their store too. I’ll keep checking with Torrid, as usually they release more merch as time goes on.
Nordstrom, too, has officially launched their Eclipse line
they’ve announced some cast appearances and advanced screenings of Eclipse!
A great interview with Kristen from Video Hits!
Check out these stills released as Eclipse playing cards AND a preview of the Eclipse calendar:












 There were also a SLEW of new movie stills released this week
Photobucket Photobucket


















 In celebration of the Facebook Twilight page reaching 6 million fans, David Slade wrote a letter to us all!
“Dear fans of The Twilight Saga, 

I want to congratulate you for reaching over 6 million fans on The Twilight Saga Facebook page. 

It's hard to fathom that it was just over one year ago that I started constructing this third and epic adventure which takes place in the town of Forks. 

I want to share a story about one of our days of shooting with you. 

It was a Friday night and the rain was relentless. We were at La Push to shoot the tribe's histories, a great speech by Billy Black. We had Taylor and Kristen and the whole wolf pack around a campfire as the heavens let loose on us. 

Gil Birmingham was in fine form as the rain hammered down on us all, we adjusted our lights so that the rain vanished into the black of night. 

We constructed a tent over the scene to keep everyone dry as we worked, every 15 minutes or so we would have to tip it to stop the collecting rain from splitting the fabric. 

For some reason still unknown, around 3am, the wolf pack stood exactly in the way of several gallons of rainwater as it was being cleared. Being the wolf pack, they just laughed it off as they stood there soaked to the bone. 

We worked through the mud and the rain all night, until we had the scene perfected. 

As we left, dawn was now cracking and in the dim light I passed a small army of fans who had braved the weather for the entire night, still standing there, holding drenched flowers and waiting to get a glimpse of our actors. 

So, to those of you who stood behind our security, who waited in line at theatres overnight, to those of you who just love these stories, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is a love letter to you. 

Each day I felt the weight of your favourite scenes, your favourite lines, your dreams and your imagination. 

It has been an unforgettable journey, and now as I finalise the last prints to ready the film for your local theaters, I cannot wait for you to see it. 

Sincerest Regards, 


I’m sure a lot of people, fans and the not-so-adoring, have wondered why David Slade chose to direct Eclipse. He’s only directed two other films and neither (a horror film and a very intense, suspense drama) were anything like Eclipse. So why delve into the saga? Slade answers this in his interview with Earth’s Mightiest
 “It was just that I’d done two very intense films, one was outright horror film one was a thriller, and there was a really an intense acting film, a very very intense drama. And you know there were a lot of films around that I could’ve done and some amazing ones that fell through and there was lots of others, and you know . . . but no one was offering me something different. I just . . . from going from a one-person drama in a house to an expansive film set in Alaska . . . It was a big challenge. To me, it was here’s a chance to reinvent and learn a lot more . . . And I think I have a skill-set to address that and the studio obviously thought so . . . The interesting thing was at no point did they go ‘Well, we’re really scared you’re going to make it too scary.’ No, this was never discussed, it was just ‘Well, let’s talk about it.’ . . . So, from my point of view, it was very different than anything anyone else was offering me.
David Slade also revealed that one of his focal points in making the picture was to explore the whys and hows of certain mythological elements to the picture: “There was a certain amount of mythology that I found personally very interesting that I could bring a kind of sense of awareness I think that kind of hadn’t been addressed before. How do these things work when it comes to vampires? Why do they sparkle? What is it about them that does that and how does it works? Those kinds of things were really interesting to me. Those things were explored a little. There aren’t as many sparkly shots, but I think you get a sense of the physics of the whole thing . . . On the one hand, you have this intensely naturalistic romantic drama . . . so when it comes to these kind of fantastic elements, to me, it was important that they didn’t raise above the level of magic realism. You had to accept them as natural.” {eclipsemovie.org}
The new Volvo ad from Eclipse
Another, rather serious story, involve Kristen Stewart and her description of what being chased and unwillingly photographed by the paparazzi has been like. NYDailyNews reports on the fallout from her comments and her subsequent apology
“Kristen Stewart, who recently commented that the exposure and pressures of fame were similar to being raped, recanted almost immediately after the quote was published in an interview with British Elle.

"I really made an enormous mistake clearly and obviously," Stewart told People.com in an interview following the quote's publication. "And I'm really sorry about my choice of words."

The ink was barely dry on Stewart's Elle interview when the backlash hit. Rape victims' support groups in particular were up in arms over the piece. Stewart's retraction of her comments, the impact of which threatened to eclipse the release of the third "Twilight" film, was swift and direct.

"'Violated' definitely would have been a better way of expressing the thought," she told People.

Ironically enough, Stewart once played a rape victim in the 2004 film "Speak," and has previously done some public service announcements for the rape advocacy group RAINN.

She acknowledged that she should have been more mindful of her comments when she sat down with Elle to discuss her stardom.

"People thinking that I'm insensitive about this subject rips my guts out," Stewart said to People.

"I made a big mistake," she said to People.”
TwiFun Time!
Charlie Bewley looks really, really good in this spot of Cosmo UK {CharlieBewley.eu}
The Top 10 Fan Questions for Chaske Spencer are now answered!
Jackson had an “uncut” interview with Nylon magazine
“Does anyone call you by your real first name, Monroe
I still go by Monroe when I am in trouble with the law.
Which is… often? 
Very rarely; very rarely. I don’t get so much as a speeding ticket these days but I am a habitual parking violator.
I know M. Night Shyamalan is famous for his secrecy.  But what can you tell us about The Last Airbender?
Well I can say it is going to be an amazing action film; it’s got the most incredible CGI. We got ILM working on it, which is Industrial Lights and Magic, and it truly is magic, honestly, at the end of the day. We are shooting on the green screen, we have a character called Appa?  Which is a big bison kind of flying bear creature?  And that’s me, I’m a big flying bear creature.
Nice try.  Okay, no, but I get to ride it.
Not a real flying bear?  
No, I rode a fuzzy saddle. It was about 15-20 feet off the ground.  It’s on this kind of rocking thing… They were moving it, and there is a big green screen behind you. Night’s yelling, “Okay, you’re flying through the air now!” You’re like, “Okay, I am flying through the air now.”  And oh yeah, I had to be flying through the air, and no, I wasn’t on any drugs.
Maybe there was good liquor on set?  
I can hold my liquor! I’m from the South, come on now. You know, I love Jameson Whiskey, and I love Bud Light, I keep it pretty simple.  I was actually in a bar recently, and they only had three beers on tap, and it was Bud with lime on tap! I had to give the bar tender a little, you know, guff for that one. Are you kidding me? You don’t even have Bud Light on tap? You don’t even have Lonestar on tap? You only have Bud Light Lemon-Lime?!
I hope you lamented about your lime beer problems during your Last Airbender audition. 
Oh, I didn’t have to audition.  I actually had my part delivered by an owl, followed by a list of magical school supplies… No, no, I did the normal auditioning process. Actually I had auditioned for M. Night’s The Happening before… then I met Night and we hit it off.
I heard in an M. Night movie, you don’t ever see the full script…. 
At the audition you only get the lines you’re gonna say, but  this movie in particular based off the Nickelodeon animated series, so it’s a departure from Night’s thrillers. It’s about finding the hero within against all odds, and it’s got some of the most incredible action sequences, with all of these characters being able to manipulate the elements and being able to throw fire and throw water to block it… However, my character only gets to throw a boomerang.  That’s not as rock n’ roll as being able to bend water.
So you can’t bend water.  What else can’t you do?  Iron. You want to watch me iron, you’ll see how bad I am. I like my clothes wrinkled anyway, so it’s fine. But one of my band mates taught me a trick; his name is Lawrence Abrams and he’s a jazz musician; he’s about 56 years old. He taught me the old put it on a coat hanger and put it in the shower and let it steam up a bit. First time I did it though, I put it in the shower, and that was wrong. You don’t put it in the shower because it gets wet.  See?  I learned.
You’re an actor with a band, 100 Monkeys.  Do you think you’ll do anything to combine those two passions? 
Obviously, I’m going to star in Twilight the musical.  The scary thing is, I bet they’re totally making one, like, right now!”
Robert Pattinson had an interview with French magazine Premier. Thinking of Rob has kindly translated the interview.  Here are a few pics!
That’s all for this week’s Twilight Thursday! Join me next week for more picspam, rumors, & all the news that’s fit to link to!




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