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By Maria Jackson

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 43

After the Eclipse
For a lot of fans this weekend was Harry Potter vs. Twilight. Who would have the bigger midnight showing? You might be shocked by the results. {LA Times}
“The boy wizard couldn’t beat the teen vampires.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1″ sold $24 million in tickets in its debut late Thursday night with shows that started at or soon after midnight, according to an estimate from Warner Bros.
That’s $1.8 million more than the last movie in the series, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” brought in from midnight shows when it debuted in June 2009.
It’s well short, however, of the record set in July by “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” which grossed more than $30 million during its late-night launch.
In fact, “Deathly Hallows” is the No. 3 midnight opening of recent years, also coming up behind November 2009′s “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” which kicked off its opening weekend with $26.3 million.
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1″ is on track for a huge opening weekend of more than $100 million. Now that it didn’t break any records in midnight shows, however, it’s less likely the picture will top the $158-million debut in 2008 of “The Dark Knight,” which stands as the biggest opening weekend ever, not accounting for ticket price inflation.”
Eclipse DVD extras have leaked. Take a super sneaky peek below
A Twilight Lexicon member thought Taylor looked a little familiar in his suit and thought this up. What do YOU think?
Want to party on Dec 4? Check out http://www.eclipsethemovie.com/ to find a DVD release party near you!
One of the things on the Eclipse DVD that I’m most excited about is the commentary by Kristen & Rob. Robstentation has a transcription of that commentary. And it looks like it’s the entire thing! It’s far too long to post in its entirety, so here is an excerpt.
Opening scene.
Rob: “Xavier would make a wonderful hamburger. He is just dripping with spread right now”
Kristen: That’s so gross.
Rob: “We’re not in the scene, so its irrelevant. He is just running around shouting.”

Rob: You do a different thing when you get bitten by a vampire, which is so much sexier.
Kristen: Shut up!

Kristen talks about Eclipse in French ‘Hesitacion’

Meadow scene:
One of the‘hardest scenes’ to shoot. First scene that was filmed on the first day, and the last scene on the second day. Kristen and Rob make fun of Bella’s wig throughout the

Rob: “You look like Damian Marley”
Kristen: “I look like Jacob” 

“Kiss is too raunchy for my taste.

Rob: I have a weird sideburns. I do have a follicle issue in this movie.
Kristen: Don’t even go there.

Rob commented all throughout that that there is “too much kissing” in this movie. Lol
Rob: I remember doing this scene with you – its so easy. God. I do not know what I’m talking about.
Rob: Lots of kissing in this film, after a while I get uncomfortable.

Parking Lot Scene with Jacob

Rob commented why he is not allowed to wear hoods in this films and Kristen does. 
Rob: It’s because its raining.
Kristen: And it looks good, better (for the wig)

Rob: I do not get your decision making process to leave here. I’ve got to break up with you immediately. It’s like please don’t leave me…
Kristen explains Bella’s decision: She’s allowed to have other relationships.
Rob: Why? No, she’s not allowed to have other relationships. If I ever saw my girlfriend go around with these bunch of guys with little shirts, bellies out and their fake tanned nipples…fake tattoos.

Kristen: Edward is a little bit more mature than you.
Rob: Mature? Nah
Kristen: He can handle it. He’s a little bit more secure.
Rob: Can I ask you something? Did the weather affect the shooting today?

Screen caps via iTunes Twilight Saga Eclipse {source}
Pre-Order Here!
Bits of Breaking Dawn
Knowing that BD will be broken up into two movies many, if not all, fans wonder where that break will take place. Before the pregnancy? After? Will we get a peak at Reneeseme in the first film or have to wait until the last? NessieMackenzie.com has tweeted some titillating news!
Big news on Breaking Dawn part I & II – Renesmee
It’s been confirmed that we won’t have to wait till 2012 to see Mackenzie Foy on the big screen.  She’ll also appear in Breaking Dawn part I in a tiny flashback scene.
Her face will be
CGI’d and transferred onto another baby, little girl, teen, and finally a woman to show her growing up really fast. It’ll be a quick scene, and maybe you never realize it’s Mackenzie, but we’ll finally get to see Renesmee!
Also, in Breaking Dawn part II Mackenzie will play a 6 years old girl.  Mackenzie is 10 years old now, so Breaking Dawn director (Bill Condon) will work with similar digital effects to the ones used in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”. This means we’ll get to see Mackenzie playing a 6 years old Renesmee throughout the whole movie.
Valorie Curry(Charlotte), Booboo Stewart(Seth), Tracy Heggins(Sena) and Judi Shekoni(Zafrina) interviewed on the Madame Tussauds Red Carpet
At Robsten Dreams a poster called “Nona in Nola” (for protection of the not-so-innocent, but oh-so-awesome!) has received and shared details about the Breaking Dawn script. The who, the what, & the where things may or may not have been filmed. Lots of details below! {BreakingDawnMovie}
Well for many days now I have tweeting about the fact that we have some rather large news to share with our followers. I was so excited that I was actually doing a little fangirl happy dance!! I couldn’t believe the information that I was receiving!  We are so lucky that we can now officially announce that we have been in connection with a “source” that is confirmed.  She is definitely connected to Breaking Dawn but in what way we will not be releasing.  For our sakes she is called Nona in Nola.  So when ever she feels like sharing some information she will sooo…… with that being said here is our little tidbits that have been shared with me over the past week. 
 I have been so excited to share this information with you all.  Please feel free to comment but if it is hateful or mean than we prefer you just don’t participate really.  Nona is doing this because she as well is a fan of Robsten and loves the fandom as well.  Please check any hate at the door because it is not welcome here! We are excited about our new relationship with Nona and Welcome her with open arms!
RUMOR VS FACT  The night that supposedly Rob and Kristen spent the night on IsleEsme was incorrect.  Rob and Kristen were in fact the first ones off the island but the weather got very bad like 70 mph winds and there for everyone else including Stephenie Meyer got stuck on Isle Esme and the crew and all were forced to sleep wherever they could.  The crew was very unhappy that they had no alcohol.  Haha!! I would be too! 
Nona has confirmed that Rob and Kristen have not officially filmed any sex scenes in Rio! I am kind of glad too with that creepy guy filming BTS without Summit being aware.  All those scenes will be filmed in studio in Baton Rouge.  Hmmm….Well Ladies all the fun is about to begin and has already began!!
In fact in soundstage 2 at Celtic Media Center is where the interior Isle Esme set, including the honeymoon bed, bathroom with the most gorgeous bathtub in the center of the room that you’ve ever seen, and patio lounge area.(BATH TUB OH YES I LOVE THIS!)
The honeymoon bed is a 4-poster bed and it stands in the middle of the room. You will actually get to see the sheets being shredded, pillows torn apart, and headboard ripped into pieces which I’m sure the fans are going to love! Ummm YES WE WILL LOVE!!
Also confirmed by Nona is Rob and Kristen are together all of the time!  Nona has never seen them with out each other!!! I know!! I LOVE IT!! They are also staying together in their own place (Of course no one knows and it should stay that way.) while filming is in production.  There has not been a lot of interaction with Robsten at this point but stated that Kristen is absolutely more beautiful in person than on film and is super tiny, and in fact most of the main cast is sooo beautiful and looks even more gorgeous with out any make up on like Kristen and Ashley. 
Lastly I asked about the Lainey Gossip rumor yesterday and yes the imprinting piece is true but much more detailed.  As for the fight, that’s different than that what Lainey described. The entire wolf pack come to fight Edward, Jasper and Alice to get inside to kill “the thing”. Edward was able to read their thoughts before they got there to see their intentions. While this is happening, Jacob is inside with Renesmee.  The Cullens are about to lose the fight when Carlisle, Esme, and Emmet join the fight too. Then Jacob sees from the window what is going on outside and goes out, staying in human form. He yells at the pack to stop attacking. And he says that if they kill her (Renesmee), they kill him. Sam in wolf form snarls and knocks Jacob over, causing him to phase. Once he’s phased, Edward translates Jacob’s thoughts to everyone. He says that Jacob has imprinted, and because of that, no one can kill the baby because no one can kill someone who has been imprinted on. Then the wolves retreat. They cannot disobey this law of their world.
Lastly all rumors about Fairy Dust Cakes doing the cake for the wedding are just that. They are rumors and are not true.
I do have more information to release but will wait for another day!! As I get more information I will post.  I hope you all love this as much as I did. I can’t wait to share more as it progresses!!
TwiFun Time!
Think you’re the biggest Twilight fan? Think again! With this entry to Moviefone’s contest, Tigrra200 took the grand prize!
I was a big fan of Muse long before Twilight was even a gleam in Stephenie Meyer’s eye. I’ve been very excited at the gain in publicity they received by being linked with the movie soundtracks, but I have wondered how did they feel about it? MTV gets the answers.
PicSpam of the handsome & charming Chaske Spencer (aka Sam Uley) by photographer Peter Hurley {blackpack}
Six things you didn’t know about Chaske! I didn’t know them and I interviewed him. {Hollywood Life}
·         Chaske’s favorite food: Pizza! “When we’re done with Twilight … I’m going to eat so much pizza!”
·         Chaske’s a secret photog! “I love photography,” Chaske confesses. “Landscape. I’ve been loosely shooting when I’m on location. I shoot film sets.”
·         Das ist gut! Chaske’s favorite vacation spot:Berlin! “I really like the artistic feeling about Berlin,” says Chaske. “What I’d really like to do after Breaking Dawn, maybe take a month or two and hang out in Berlin. I love it there. I liked the artistic vibe and I’ve been on this David Bowie kick … Bowie in Berlin.”
·         Chaske likes country music! “I love Shooter Jennings! It’s just good music. Check him out. My favorite song is probably ‘Electric Rodeo.’ It’s kind of country/alternative rock, so I was like, ‘That’s interesting.’”
·         Chaske’s ideal girl: “Eyes, loyalty, fun and a good sense of humor. When you make fun of yourself and you’re not taking everything too seriously. I like someone who’s really down to earth. I really like that because I don’t want to be surrounded by the industry all the time. You have to get a break.”
·         Chaske can do a mean Mick Jagger impersonation! “When in the company of really close friends, I can do a pretty good Mick Jagger,” Chaske laughs. “I’ve always been fascinated by him, so when I was a kid, I grew up on The Rolling Stones. I like when he did the whole rooster walk on stage. He fascinated me.”
Jackson Rathbone, Jasper, has started a web diary with Hollywood Crush. Check out his first video!
RPattz Outtakes from the TV Week photoshoot {PattinsonLife}
Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!