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By Maria Jackson

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 1, Issue 45

After The Eclipse

You may have thought all the extras; the videos, the pictures, the swag, for the Eclipse DVD release was over. You’d be as wrong Edward thinking that Jacob would ever harm Bella!
New trading cards! {Eclipse movie}
Have you secured your Eclipse DVD? If, like me, you haven’t (hey, this economy has been hard on a girl! I BLOG OUT OF LOVE HERE, PEOPLE!!)—don’t panic! Unlike New Moon, where certain retailers had specific extras that other retailers did not provide all versions of Eclipse from every retailer have the same extras. Twilight Lexicon provides a handy comparative price list! Amazon.com is looking like a great deal to me!
How did the Eclipse DVD sales do this weekend? Well, not as well as New Moon or Twilight. However, Summit is in this for the holiday haul, not a one-night super sales stand.
The DVD and Blu-ray Disc of the film, which grossed $300 million in U.S. theaters, went on sale at midnight Friday, Dec. 3, and after two days had already sold some 3 million DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, according to Summit Home Entertainment.
The tally falls short of what either of the first two films did on their respective disc openings, but the marketing strategy is different and the release is expected to have longer legs throughout the holiday season, said Steve Nickerson, president of Summit Home Entertainment.
"With the first two titles, we had massive March opening events involving thousands of retail stores," Nickerson said. "We were going for a big bang, right out of the gate. This time we are releasing the film during the holiday season, a much more crowded time and one with vastly different consumer shopping patterns. So our whole plan is to look at what we're doing over a four-week period of time, and not a single night." {Home Media Magazine}
I’m very sure lots of happy Twifans will wake up to find an Eclipse on Christmas!
Find, download, Photoshop several THOUSAND HQ Eclipse stills here
InStyle’s Exclusive ‘Eclipse’ Clip: Bella’s Decision
Bits of Breaking Dawn
There’s a little bird on twitter a-tweeting that the Bella & J. Jenks scene has been filmed in a restaurant in Louisiana.{Breaking Dawn movie}
Real or Rumor? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!
I recently blogged about an incredible chance to bid on a trip to the Breaking Dawn Vancouver set. The prize includes a meeting with Robert Pattinson IF he’s available. The proceeds from the auction will support the Go Campaign which helps children in need around the World.
ETOnline is reporting that the auction raised $80K
One lucky fan spent a whopping $80,000 Wednesday to meet Robert Pattinson on the set of ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.’
The winner will travel to Vancouver where they’ll be hosted at the Four Seasons along with three companions. Then, they’ll travel by limo to the ‘Breaking Dawn’ set, where they’ll have a meet and greet with Rob, who portrays hunky vampire Edward Cullen in the hit series.
…. The $80,000 bid is the highest bid ever for the GO Campaign.
The Huffington Post recently interviewed Kellan Lutz (aka Emmett Cullen) at the Eclipse Gum party in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on December 4th.  
So I understand you’re in Louisiana filming the last film in the Twilight franchise?
Yeah, I just flew back in. I’ve been really blessed with these movies. This new one is a big, seven-month movie but it’s nice to have time to fly back and forth to LA and other places just because you end up having a week off here and there. So it’s nice. I’m back here, it’s like my fourth trip flying back. And I love Baton Rouge, I’m really happy shooting here. I shot here back in May, I had a movie that, you know, wasn’t as hectic with fans because not all the Twilight (actors) were here, but I just love this town and I love being a tour guide for the cast mates.
What was the movie that you were filming in Baton Rouge before Twilight?
It’s called The Killing Game, a film that Jonah Loop directed, a big hard-R action movie with Sam Jackson. I loved it, I had the best time. I love to fight so I got to do a lot of my mixed martial arts and weapons training. It ‘s a big exciting movie.
How long have you been doing MMA?
Well I haven’t really been doing MMA. When I (was growing) up, it would just be friends having a Fight Club in our backyard. But as far as mixed training, I’ve been boxing for years now and I love doing my own stunts. I’ve made a lot of friends who are really well trained [stuntmen] and really professional. [For The Killing Game], I got to set and I had no time to train. We started shooting right away, so at lunch time or whenever we had five minutes, I just worked with those guys¬–tried out new weapons and learned new moves. And that’s what I continue to do to this day. When I’m back in LA, that’s what I like to do to work out. That’s what I want to do with my future–do action movies. So if I can train myself in terms of doing my movies and not having to take a month off to train, it [will be] nice be to able to go back and [have time to] just hang with my boys.
Totally. So, you’re currently working on the last Twilight film and you’ve been working with these people for quite a while now. Are you feeling a little bit sad as it ends?
No, not at all. This whole franchise is definitely special to be apart of. It’s really different than, say, the Lord of the Rings movies where you’re down in New Zealand for years. These movies are kind of easy and they don’t get tiresome. You work for three or four months on each movie and then you go home and with in those time periods, we have weeks off because we do block shooting. So, all the werewolves shoot for a couple weeks and then the vampires shoot. We come and go a lot. We don’t really–I mean, none of us have gotten sick of each other, we all love each other. We’re all very responsible and we take on the opportunities that being part of this franchise has given us in different field and parts of the industry and in life. So, I haven’t even thought about it, it’s not going to end really until 2012 and a few months after that–flying around, doing junkets. But no, I’m definitely not sad… It’s not work, you know?
So, switching gears a little bit. You were named to People‘s Sexiest Men Alive list. What’s that like for you when you get these, um… awards, I guess…
(Laughs.) It’s very flattering. I remember, I’ve seen magazines like that and I don’t really watch TV. But you know, Ryan Reynolds is in there all the time and now on the cover, and it’s very humbling that People magazine would have me be a part of that.
What does your family think?
My–my family (Laughs.) I mean, I fell into acting. I’ve always kind of been “crazy Kellan” and just full of energy and doing my own thing that once I got into acting, it kind of just escalated all that attention for them in a way. Because I like to make my own attention. I just went back to Iowa, where my grandparents live, and I try to see them as much as I can. And they love it. They watch all my movies. We’re in a small town, so it’s like everyone knows them by their first name, there’s one street light and they tell (their friends) that I’m going to come there. They’re like, “Oh, he’s just going to have his friends over,’ because last time I was there the whole town came by and I was just signing autographs. Which I fine, but you think you can get away from that by going to see your grandparents in the middle of nowhere. This time I was like, “Ok, let’s just do a big barbeque. We can have everyone come over and take pictures,” because I only had a day and a half there. I wanted to go and hang out on the farm, I wanted to see my cousins and stuff and I just didn’t have time to spend a whole day doing that again. And we decided to do a dinner and had a bunch of people come over and I stopped by the local gas station and, everyone knows each other, so their [friends] ask, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, this is my grandson, he’s from LA–from Hollywood. He’s an actor. He’s in People Magazine!” They just had this whole (thing) down and I’m just like, “Great! Throw me under the bus like that!” (Laughs.) But they’re sweethearts, and it puts such a smile on their face and if I can do that and it tacks on a couple more years to their life, (then) by all means, I want to.
Click to read the rest of the interview!
TwiFun Time!
Anne Rice, literally Queen of the Vampires, dissed Twilight a few months ago saying,
['Twilight']’s based on a really silly premise: that immortals would go to high school. It's a failure of imagination, but at the same time, that silly premise has provided Stephenie Meyer with huge success," Anne said. "The idea that if you are immortal you would go to high school instead of Katmandu or Paris or Venice, it’s the vampire dumbed down for kids. But it's worked. It's successful. It makes kids really happy." {Twifans}
Here she expands on her comments & compares Twilight to Jane Eyre!
Seven Things You May Not Know About Jackson Rathbone
Xavier Samuel recently had a photo spread & interview with GQ
GQ: So what’s life been like post Twilight?
XS: It’s been kind of cool actually, I’ve been hanging around in Berlin. I skipped off and did a film over there.
GQ: Was that Anonymous?
XS: Yeah. And I’ve spent a bit more time in LA and New York as well. So I’ve just been kind of enjoying it. We’ve skipped off to all these cities for the publicity for the film.

GQ: Were you caught up in the Twilight madness to the same extent as the main actors have been?
XS: Well, I certainly was not under the microscope in the same fashion that a lot of those guys were. I played the villain of the film, and they’ve been involved two films prior to that, so I kind of entered at a point when it was already severely popular. So it’s all been a bit of a whirlwind really, but a good one.
Check out some these smoldering photos!
Ashley Green is on the cover of December’s Cosmopolitan magazine which is available now! {Breaking Dawn movie}
Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!