>> Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 43

Twilight Thursdays! Vol. 2, Issue 43

 Some great pics from The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Pt. 1: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion made it on to the interwebs this week.  My favorite is of Bella & Edward sitting next to each other where he just looks like he is so in love! Even with his eyes closed, he looks immersed as Bella just stares out of the window. More pictures can be found at Fierce Bitch Stew




CGI behind the scenes for the Wolf Pack


Check out Bella’s full transformation to Vamp Mama!


It’s been a month since Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 conquered the box office, but now the bloom is off the rose. Breaking Dawn Pt. 2 won’t be released until next November! What’s a Twilighter to do!? MTV has some suggestions on how to fill these dark & empty times:

Our friends at Twilight Lexicon offered a shout-out to Internet stars/comedic sister duo Hannah and Hilly Hindi's "The Hillywood Show," who recently reached their goal of raising $10,000 to produce a "Breaking Dawn" parody. "Looking forward to the @HillywoodShow Breaking Dawn parody. They raised 10K to do it," the Lexicon tweeted.

Others suggested re-watching "Twilight," "New Moon" "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn - Part 1" and re-reading Stephenie Meyer's books that inspired it all.

"@Twilight movie marathons, re-reading the books for my 6th time and of course twitter :)," wrote Jimena Martinez.

Sarah M., who is one of the lovely ladies behind the Kristen Stewart's Hot Bodyguard Facebook page, seems to be developing a budget so she can come to Los Angeles next year for the premiere and camp out again in Tent City.

"Work, work, work to save $ for Tent City 2012 and hoping for some #SWATH promos/premieres w/ Kristen & @KStewsHBG :)," Sarah tweeted, referring to Stewart's other big movie, "Snow White and the Huntsman."

The most creative planning goes to Brooke Lockhart, who had these humorous suggestions for how to pass the time. "Watch all the B list character's awful movies," she tweetedadding: "Live in Hot Topic. Pick a side in the robsten vs. nonsten epic battle."

Then there's a few who might — gasp! — take a break from it all.

"Finally sleep & save money 4 my 20+ viewings of #BD2," superfan TwiSherry revealed, adding later that she'll be reading again too: "Read FanFic to fill in the 'fade to black' moments." Sounds like a good idea!

Also, if these suggestions don't tickle your fancy, James Franco wrote a review of "Breaking Dawn - Part 1," which is a nice meaty read that should take some time to get through.

If you’re into meaty discussions on Twilight I suggest the blog Seduced By Twilight. There you will find in-depth conversation about representations of sex, gender, race, etc..within the Twilight Saga & films.


To tide you over to November 2012, here’s a great interview from Twilight Lexicon where we learn about a NEW coven created by Meyer & Rosenberg specifically for Breaking Dawn Pt. 2! Amadou Ly (Henri) & Janelle Frolich (Yvette) do slip up in giving away some details that I’m sure were supposed to remain secret.


Thanks again for joining me on another Twilight Thursday! Click back next Thursday for all of your Twilight news, views, theories, PicSpam, & videos!

Follow me on Twitter @_Roxie_



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