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By Maria Jackson

Happy Hunger Games! Vol. 1, Issue 7

 JLaw appeared on several shows last week and we’ve got the clips that you may have missed! Check her out on Conan:

On Jimmy Kimmel

AND Piers Morgan

The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy blog has an interview with Philip Seymour Hoffman (a.k.a. Plutarch Heavensbee)! He talks about his thoughts on The Hunger Games series and Suzanne Collins as an author.


“It’s unbelievable what this woman has done,” the actor said in an interview. “She literally tells our modern history of war and the awful things that have happened through these science-fiction novels. In the modern day, we send children off to die to protect our way of life, basically. It’s very powerful the way she does it.”


His amazement at Collins’s books made him say, “I’m in. I want to be a part of that,” he said. Despite the film’s bloody premise, he said the full story gives a very different message than simply “kids who kill each other.” According to him, if the films are done well, they are something kids should see. …


“I’m looking forward to the next two [films], because his job becomes very different,” Hoffman said of Plutarch’s role. “The story becomes very different and everyone will see what happens.”

Click over to the Wall Street Journal for the full article.

Sam Claflin talks to Teen Vogue about his training regime, what he likes about Finnick & more CF!


TV: Do you like your blonde hair?


SC: It's definitely taking some getting used to. I have a tan and a six-pack now after four months of hard work. I feel slowly but surely like I am Finnick Odair.

TV: Your training sounds intense!

SC: From the moment I set foot in Atlanta, they had me at the gym, working out twice a day. And then stunt training, it's nonstop. To be fair, I spend a lot of the film carrying an old lady on my back, as Finnick carries Mags for the majority of the arena scenes. I feel like every day of filming is a workout, running around Hawaii with little old Lynn Cohen on my back. As for my diet, I think I've eaten more chickens than there are in the world. [Laughs] I would eat chicken and asparagus for lunch and dinner, and for breakfast I'd have an omelet and oatmeal. And I had that every day for four months. I've talked to my friends and said, "Oh my God, I'm so depressed, I just want a burger." And they're like, "You don't know how lucky you are to be doing what you are doing."

TV: What makes Finnick such a great character to play?

SC: There are so many complexities to this character. Finnick has a tempestuous relationship with Katniss—she trusts him one minute, and the next she doesn't. I love their relationship. Together they eventually realize they need each other to survive, and that is beautiful.

Check out the FULL Q&A session at Teen Vogue



Interviewed by Digital Spy UK at the Evening Standard Film Awards, Toby Jones, (a.k.a. Claudius Templesmith) talks differences between the arenas for The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.

One of my favorite shows, Community, finally returns to television tonight on NBC at 8pmEST. Check out this hilarious spoof they’re doing on The Hunger Games!