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By Maria Jackson

Happy Hunger Games! Vol. 1, Issue 44

IT’S FINALLY HERE, TRIBUTES! Less than 24hrs till Catching Fire alights on screens coast to coast! How’re you planning to celebrate? Will you do a double feature HG+CF? Are you going to a midnight premier? Will you dress up? Let us know in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear what you all think of the film! See why our reviewer Matt Rodriguez thinks it deserves a B+ and is a worthy sequel.


A new still of Peeta & Katniss in the Capitol


Check out these clips from the film!



Some BTS B-Roll!



A new TV Spot



Now this is super cool! AMC Theaters produced an exclusive video, The Anatomy of Panem. The video takes a quick rundown at the 12 districts of Panem and introduces the Victors from each.



Check out JLaw on David Letterman!



Liam Hemsworth talks CF and being Gale Hawthorne on GMA



See Elizabeth Banks discuss CF & Effie on Ellen



Watch: Jeffrey Wright’s Appearance on ‘Chelsea Lately’


Some great photos from the LA & NYC premiers!



Director Francis Lawrence sat down with The Huffington Post to talk about filming Catching Fire, taking over from director Gary Ross, and how he gave the movie his own spin by staying true to the spirit of the books.

Lawrence also admits that Breaking Bad influenced the cliffhanger at the end of the movie was done. Check out excerpts from the interview below:

“Catching Fire” seems to have a different tone than the first movie. Was that intentional?

No. I mean, quite honestly, I think that for me, it’s all driven just based on the story. I think that I’m a different person; I’m going to definitely have a different style at least visually than Gary does. But, I think all of my choices were not about trying to do something different, but rather just how do I tell this story in the best way possible. There were some parameters that I had because of the first movie, some aesthetic choices of what did District 12 look like — what does the Capitol look like? — what kind of makes those things look the way they do. And a bunch of casting had already been done, obviously. But other than that, there was a lot of room to sort of create and to grow and to sort of make “Catching Fire” my own and just try and tell the story as best as I could.

There are scenes that are similar to what happens in the first movie — like the introductions and then even the first part of the games. Was there a problem of, “What do I do to make this stand out to viewers so that this isn’t the same thing that they saw last year?”

Yeah, I tried to be very mindful of that. I mean, I think that ["Hunger Games" author] Suzanne Collins was also mindful that it’s — just the story’s different. So even there may be kind of a structural mirror to the first movie — you know there’s going to be a reaping, you’re going to go to the Capitol, you’re going to have some training, you’re going to do that kind of stuff, you’re going to meet the tributes — that the story this time is different. That the tributes this time are very different, that the ages are very different, they’re very different kinds of people…

The third book, “Mockingjay,” is being divided into two movies that you are directing. How do you approach that story? Because I know quite a few people who don’t like that story as much as they like the story in the first two books.

Well, I think it’s all approach. I think, quite honestly, for me, the third book is the book that gives the stories their meaning — and that’s what I’m most excited about. To be able to take these stories to its finish, but also to be able to tell the story that sort of gives them all their kind of greater meaning, is really important to me. But, we all hear that kind of stuff, so I’m very mindful of it. And what I can try to do that we did with “Catching Fire” is make it as rich and emotional an experience as possible. So, if we can continue to keep the story in sort of Katniss’s point of view and keep you emotionally engaged with her and make the story as compelling as possible and give each of the characters that we present as emotional a story as possible, I think that we’ll really keep people engaged in the world of “The Hunger Games.”

Did you like ending on a cliffhanger?

I like a cliffhanger. I was saying, what’s really interesting is I became really obsessed with “Breaking Bad” while we were making this and binge-watched the entire series up until these last eight episodes while we were making “Catching Fire.” And the more I watched those episodes, I just became sort of convinced that you can do that kind of stuff with movies, too. I know it’s weird because TV people used to always look at movies for inspiration, and now, suddenly, we’re looking at some great TV shows as inspiration. But they opened bold and they end bold, and I just think that that’s fun stuff.

Read the rest here.

Last but not least, we have the The Hungry Games: Catching Fur and The Doctor Games

See you next week, Tributes!