>> Stylish Moms On The Go!

Stylish Moms On The Go!

Product Reviews for Stylish Moms on the Go!

Online “Members Only” Shopping Clubs- I was a bit skeptic about some of these sights before using them. 

I read about www.GiltGroupe.com in a book, and it was the first shopping club I joined.  I wasn’t “invited”, I just signed up and soon I was “accepted”.  I bought a cute pair of tights on Gilt, and was thoroughly satisfied with my purchase.  Their sales start at noon with a few exceptions; I think weekends they start at 9:00pm eastern time, and last for 48 hours.

Then, I was introduced to www.hautelook.com by my sister-in-law, after posting my adoration for Gilt Groupe on FaceBook.  I’ve bought a few house wares from HauteLook and was happy with those purchases as well.  Their sales start at 8:00am and last only a couple days as well.

While surfing the web I came across www.Ideeli.com.  Their banners kept popping up on all the sites I was on!  I have yet to buy anything on this site.  Again, this website’s sales start at noon and last anywhere from 24-48 hours.  They also has a “front row” option, where for a small fee, you get access to the sales an hour early.

Finally, after seeing a few celebrities(@KimKardashian, @KendraWilkinson, twitttwitter.com/LindsayLohan)  tweeting about great deals on brands like Prada, Gucci, and Fendi they’d found on www.beyondtherack.com I added that one to my list too.  I just bought a pair of shoes and am still awaiting their arrival after more than TWO WEEKS.  They too, have sales that last 48 hours, but theirs start at 11:00am.

In a nut shell, these sites all offer name brand products at clearance prices.  Sizes and quantities are limited; I’ve missed an Elizabeth & James blazer TWICE!  You can save an item in your shopping bag, but only for 20 minutes. 

Swiffer Sweeper Vac - Love, love, LOVE it!  I know I’m a little behind the times.  This really does blow a broom and dust pan out of the water.  With my entire first floor now replaced with Pergo, I knew I was really going to have to brush up (haha) on my sweeping game.  I tried the Original Swiffer Sweeper four or five years ago, and thought it did a great job, except, for the pile left behind that I still needed to sweep up after.  Too bad I had thrown away my broom and dustpan as the commercial suggested!  What the heck was I to do with this pile that wouldn’t stick to the magic microfiber cloth?  Riddle solved, introducing the Swiffer Sweeper Vac!  Although it is as loud as a vacuum, this thing is light enough to easily push around.  Cereal pieces, Pine needles, wrappers were no match for the mini vacuum.  The collection portion is a tad on the small side but, the handle is sturdier than the original two piece handle on my old Swiffer.  The fact that it is rechargeable is the real kicker.  Long story short, the Swiffer Sweeper Vac is a must have!

H&M kids clothes - I love the styles! I LOVE the prices.  The only thing I don’t love is the clothes seem to be designed by people without children.  Case in point; SUPER cute denim romper for toddler girls has cloth covered buttons that are difficult to manipulate on an active 18 month old.  With no snaps at the crotch, a diaper change while wearing this can be quite a chore.  Another example are these TO DIE FOR shorts for boys with a T-Rex on the side.  But, who puts a 4 year old boy in white shorts?!  We’ve managed to not stain them in the three times he’s worn them, not without pre-treating!  Long story short, their cheap prices make up for the fact they aren’t all that practical for daily use.

Bounce Bar - For some reason my fabric softener compartment in my washing machine has been getting gunked up with fabric softener.  I had a few left over boxes of dryer sheets, and decided to use them up.  Well, silly me was CONSTANTLY forgetting to put them in the dryer.  I felt like that cartoon commercial, from way back, where the lady is running down the stairs saying, “Wait!  I forgot the fabric softener!” You don’t remember that one, oh well.  Enter the Bounce Bar that sticks to the inside of your dryer to provide up to two months of fabric softening.  So far, it’s left my clothes soft and smelling great.  It’s nice to not have to remember to add the fabric softener AND it makes my dryer smell fresh.  The only down side I’ve seen is the bar gets a little dingy looking after a few uses, but I can live with that!

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EDITOR'S NOTE: As with all of Shakefire.com's blogs, our writers are not compensated in any way by any companies or products mentioned, positively or negatively.


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