>> Shakefire GIFT GUIDE 2010

Shakefire GIFT GUIDE 2010

It's that time of year...again.  Holly, ornaments, other crap and every person with a white beard insisting on being called Santa Claus, regardless of girth.  It's also time for Shakefire's 2010 GIFT GUIDE!  We asked all of our writers to submit their 5 most sought after items this holiday season and their 5 favorite things they reviewed on the site over the past year.  So, without further ado, let's do this...

$$$$$-$175 and Up

1. ($-$$) Hoodies/Knee Socks: My family tries to clothe me at the holidays but size/style are almost always an issue. I however have a rapidly growing hoodie collection (hoodies to me are like shoes to a lot of women). And the great thing with hoodies are they are meant to be comfy so the larger the better, no need to worry on size. And unless someone grabs kids knee socks no problem with size there either.

PRICE: Ranging

2. ($$$$$) YuDu Screen Printing machine: I have a hard time finding clothes I like, so I make a lot of mine (or alter existing items). With a silkscreen printer I could add images, phrases or whatever I like to make it more me.

PRICE: $299

3. ($) Bobble Heads: I have tons of them and a variety of kinds. Everything from anime, bands actors, cartoon characters, supernatural beings, etc. etc. Some talk, some are very large, some are plastic, some are sturdy resin. Doesn’t matter what they are made of or how big they are I collect them and have them displayed on shelves everywhere.

PRICE: Ranging, usually under $15

4. ($-$$) Food: I am a junk food addict so a box of goodies would be awesome. Peanut butter, sour cream & onion chips, beef jerky, marshmallow fluff, Mt. Dew, and most certainly candy. Anything Wonka, cherry sours, gum drops, jelly beans, gummi bears, lollipops. If it has sugar safe bet I will love it.

PRICE: Wide Range

5. ($-$$$) Alice In Wonderland: I am a huge fan of the book, even have a tattoo based on it. I collect any books, figurines, stuffed animals, dolls (except anything dealing with that new Tim Burton one). I also have tea cups, oversized pocket watch, flamingos, anything that is in the book or gives the feel of the book without having to actually be tagged Wonderland. Goal is to create a Wonderland room one day.

PRICE: Wide Range

1. ($$$) PlayStation Move: Everybody likes the Wii, right? Well, the PlayStation Move takes motion control to the next level with precise 1:1 tracking coupled with the superb graphics of the PlayStation 3. If you ever wanted to be more immersed within a game, this is the way to go. Current titles include Sports Champions, Resident Evil 5, and Heavy Rain and with Killzone 3 on the horizon, now is the perfect time to get invest in motion controlled gaming.

PRICE: $99

2. ($$$) Jelly Belly Bean Machine: I’m a fan of candy, in practically any form really. I’ve always had a fondness of Jelly Belly Beans and their millions (probably hundreds) of flavors. Well, what better way to display your love for candy than with the official Jelly Belly Vending Machine? You can set it so that it takes actual money or you can have it so that all you have to do is crank the switch. What’s great about it is that you can put practically any candy in it, not just jelly beans. It’s perfect for the candy lovers out there.

PRICE: $99

3. ($$$) Converse Star Player EVO: Converse is known far and wide for their signature Chucks but they got their start on the basketball courts. The Star Player EVO is the latest basketball shoe to hit the market and it does wonders on and off the court. It's specifically designed for comfort and made to last, as all Converse are. Even if you don't play sports, the EVO is still worth wearing.

PRICE: $89

4. ($$$$) TRITTON AX 720 Headphones: So you have an amazing 50 inch 1080p HD television and your favorite game console and Blu-ray player hooked up but there's one thing you're missing; surround sound. Seeing as you just spent a good chunk of money on the above, you don't want to invest another small fortune into equipment but you still want something that'll get the job done. That's where TRITTON Technologies comes in. I currently own the AX 720 headphones but any pair from them will do. They provide excellent 5.1 surround sound and can be hooked up to almost any device such as gaming consoles, stereo systems, and even mp3 players. If you don't want to spend hundreds on a surround sound system, these are the way to go.

PRICE: $129.99

5. ($) Teavana Perfect Tea Maker: I'm an avid hot tea drinker and sometimes making the tea can be a pain. The Teavana Perfect Tea Maker's name says it all. Simply add whatever type of tea leaves you want and then pour in 32 ounces of hot water and let it steep for a while and you have a perfect cup of hot tea ready. Its small size makes it perfect for those without a lot of room in the kitchen and clean up is a breeze as well. I'd recommend this for any tea lovers out there.

PRICE: $19.95


1. ($) Magnetic Thinking Putty: This stuff is crazy cool ass funky hasselhoff.  It is putty infused with millions of microscopic magnets.  It works like normal putty, it still bounces and stretches but now it also reacts to magnets, stretching and reaching out in a alien-like creepy way.  It's almost always sold out so grab it now.

PRICE: $13.50

2. ($$$$$) HTPC (Home Theater Personal Computer) with MyMovies: Sick of having all those damn DVDs, blu-rays, CDs and game sitting around?  Get (or build) yourself a Media Center computer and digitize everything.  You can still have high definition, you just don't have to have all the physical media laying around.  Works wonders with the Windows Media Center hack, MyMovies and it's free with a point-system upgrade.

PRICE: $500++

3. ($$) Harry Potter Infrared Battling Wand: Yeah, it's dorky but who cares?  Who doesn't love laser tag?  And now you can ditch the guns and aim your wands with these awesome (and inexpensive) laser tag wands!

PRICE: $22.50

4. ($-$$$$$) Gift Card: Gift cards have gotten a bad rap over the years.  It's thought of as impersonal and that you didn't put much thought into it.  F that.  Would you rather someone truly enjoy their gift or force them to wear a sweater that they likely don't want until it gets "lost" in a cab somewhere?  Visa and AmEx cards are a safe bet as they cover everything but also think of restaurants and guilty pleasure stores, places that people generally feel guilty for going to themselves.

PRICE: Your call, chief.

5. ($) iPhone Microscope Attachment: I don't know if this thing works but how awesome is it anyway?  Supposedly, it offers 60x magnification and lights up your specimen as well.  I don't know what I'd look at but I look forward to looking like a dork doing it.

PRICE: $17.50

1. ($$) Clocky Alarm Clock: Do you know anyone having trouble getting up in the morning? How about this mischievous alarm clock on wheels? It’s a fun gadget! 

PRICE: $39.95

2. ($$$) Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750: This solar-powered, wireless keyboard is something I am planning to buy soon. Hope it works as it claims to do.

PRICE: $79.99

3. ($$) Electric Water Kettle: This is a perfect way to boil water very fast. The best feature is the auto shut-off sensor, which will turn off the kettle if you forget to! There are several electric kettle makers, but my favorite company is Bodum. Their Ibis Cordless Electric Water Kettle is especially stylish. It would make a great gift for someone who loves tea or any other hot beverage (or for a poor student who eats cup noodles!).

PRICE: $49.95

4. ($$-$$$$) George Foreman Grills: I don’t think I need to explain what they are. I did not know that there are so many different George Foreman Grill models and sizes. I like the Next Grilleration model. It is bigger than the original version.  

PRICE: $29.99-149.99

5. ($$) Pottery with your own design and personal message: Go to a paint-your-own-pottery studio if there is one nearby. Pick a cup, a dinner plate or a vase that you like, and purchase it. You sit down, and start painting your own ceramics on the spot. You will love it, and kids will love it. Create one-of-a-kind pottery for grandparents, significant others, even for your pets! Oh, yes, may I remind you of the best part? There will be no mess to clean up at home! Prices vary by location.

PRICE: Varies by Location

1. ($$$$$) Canon EOS 5D Mark II: it's a 21.1 megapixal as well as being a full HD video of 1900 x 1080 resolution and a HDMI output for viewing the stills and video.

PRICE: $2,499.99

2. ($$$$$) GoPro HD Helmet Hero video camera: it is a small HD video camera that shoots wide angle shots, comes in a water proof case, and is basically being given away with the low price it costs.

PRICE: $299

3. ($$) L5 Universal Remote: it plugs into the bottom of the iPod/iPhone, and the iPad turning it into a universal remote.

PRIC: $49.95

4. ($$$$$) Panasonic AG-3DA1: this camera is a personal HD 1080p 3D video camera, as in it shoots in 3D so now anyone can make their own 3D movies in HD.

PRICE: $21,000+

5. ($$$$$) MacBook Pro with the 12 core and all the other goodies like Final Cut Pro and the extreme memory for RAM and storage.

PRICE: $1,199+

1. ($$$) Dragon*Con 2011 ticket.  This would make any sci-fi/fantasy fan joygasm. Four full days of movie & tv stars, authors, music, panels, art, and incredible costumes. Dragon*Con is the biggest sci-fi fantasy con on the east coast. Pricing for the Memberships to Dragon*Con 2011 is as follows:
•    $70 to 11/15/2010
•    $80 to 2/15/2011

PRICE: $70-80

2. ($) The Hunger Games series has been the HOTTEST Young Adult series of the year. Get in the fandom on the ground floor & show your kids you're still hip this "Katniss GIRL ON FIRE" t-shirt.

PRICE: $19
3. ($) This Sunnydale High School t-shirt is a must have for any fan of the classic & iconic Buffy The Vampire Slayer
PRICE: $17.99-19.99

4. ($$$) This Magic Wand Programmable TV Remote is really just the coolest thing! I might gift this to myself. Anyone who's ever wanted that invitation to Hogwarts will be overjoyed to see this under the tree. See the video at the link.

PRICE: $89.99
5. I love bacon. I love popcorn. Thus, I shall love BaconPop - Bacon flavored popcorn.

PRICE: $4.99


1. ($$) Doctor Who Wimote: I’m a Doctor Who nerd. I’ll admit it. So when I heard that the BBC was combining forces with Blue Ocean Accessories to create Doctor Who accessories for the Wii system (such as a Sonic Screwdriver Wiimote) I knew that I had to have one and that, since almost everyone in the family is a Who fan, it would also make the perfect gift. So we have enough Wii remotes to go around here and with the introduction of Kinect coming out the Wii may soon become a thing of the past (for the kids anyway), but when you’re a fan you’re a fan.

PRICE: Unknown at Press Time
2. ($$$$) NuWave Oven: Ever been awake at night. Unable to sleep and driven into the TV infomercial nightmares that mar your half conscious all nighters. True a lot of the things they sell at those hours are 100% percent certifiable garbage but there is one thing that I have in my kitchen that has proven itself time and time again. The NuWave Oven. You know. Those corny commercials where the guy that looks like Dave Coulier eats everything put in front of him with that convincing moan that lets you know that everything that’s been cooked in the NuWave oven is heaven sent. To be honest with you. It really is. Steaks are well cooked and retain their natural flavors and juices (much like most meats you put into it), no need to defrost anything as well since the machine does the work for you. One year I cooked an entire turkey in it. Took me less time then in the oven and it was great. So crispy and flavorful with the rub we put on it and so juicy and tender in the middle. Its smaller then a microwave and easier to clean as well. There’s a hundred positive things that I can say about this particular product but simply put it makes for a fantastic present.

PRICE: $99.97-159.97
3. ($$$$-$$$$$) Kindle: There are a lot of eReaders out on the market right now. Barnes and Noble have their Nook, there’s the iPad, and of course Amazon has their Kindle. Since Kindle was the first product that really gained prominence I decided to buy one for my Wife ( the Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6" Display, Graphite - Latest Generation version) and for once I seem to have hit the nail on the head as far as buying her presents goes. She has it in her hands constantly and tells me how people at work ask her all kinds of questions about it. Yeah for me. Still the more I pick it up the more I start to think that it would make the perfect gift for a lot of people in the family (including myself) who tend to have their nose in a book. The Kindle can hold thousands of books clearing up space from all those physical copies you would have otherwise purchased or already own. You can play games on it like Scrabble and Texas Hold Em’ and Mine sweeper. Rumor has it as well that pretty soon schools will begin implementing this technology into everyday life making it easier for kids to have all their books in one place without the backbreaking effort of hauling them around in their backpacks (no word on if Kindle will be the eReader of choice for this step). There are a lot of different features that make the Kindle a great gift for those bookworms in the family and the price is just right in my opinion. Just a side note, if you plan on buying a loved one a Kindle you may want to invest in buying a case for it.

PRICE: $139.99-379.00
4. ($$$-$$$$$) Musical Instrument: Growing up I had this preternatural ear for music. The more complex the better. As time went on the instrument of choice for me were the drums. As a kid I used to break plastic clothes hangers (sorry Ma) and use the broken pieces to play the air drums as I listened along to my music. Eventually I found a friend who owned a set and who would allow me to trash them. It wasn’t long before we were making stuff up and having a good time. Sometime in my twenties, after a long hiatus from having anything to do with music I bought myself a set, a Tama Swingstar. It was a hulking set and by then my hand eye coordination wasn’t what it used to be, but it wasn’t long before I found myself jamming out to Pink Floyd, System Of A Down, or Jimi Hendrix. As I look back on things now I really wish that someone had given me a drum set sooner in life. If you’ve got a garage or a house that’s got some good distance from your nearest neighbor I would highly suggest getting a loved one a drum set, or any musical instrument. For as long as I have been associated with musicians I know for a fact that it doesn’t take years of lessons to become great. Some people just have the natural instinct and can pick up an instrument and learn after only a few short months, they simply need the opportunity to get their hands on an instrument. Buy a loved one a musical instrument for Christmas. For Pete’s sake don’t let them settle for being a Rock Band Hero.

PRICE: Wide Range
5. ($$$$) Rosenthal Group Thomas Culinary and Cookware: e good knife and some killer cookware. No that’s not the title of a book its what every kitchen should have and what every aspiring chef should be happy to receive for Christmas. I’m a total foodie and there’s nothing better to me then successfully creating a dish. Back when I first started cooking, seriously anyway, my biggest problem in the kitchen was lousy cookware (for example pans, a decent inexpensive strainer, and a good knife). I bought so many knife sets thinking that I had just solved all my problems. It wasn’t long before I discovered they were duller then my first few food creations. My food hero, Chef Anthony Bourdain, said in his book Kitchen Confidential that all a Chef really needs is one good knife. I agree. I would suggest the Thomas Rosenthal Group knives. You’ve probably seen them before being given away at your local grocery store for shopping there. Don’t discount them for being flimsy novelty pieces. The knife I got from that company cuts through everything like butter. I’ve probably had it for a year and its still sharp. The rest of my wonderful knives that I bought so long ago? Dead to the world, dull, trash. I would also suggest their pots and pans as well the non-stick surface of their pans (I have two) are great. Seriously no cooking spray necessary and nothing will burn in them (as long as your not just letting the food sit for longer then logic would allow). I’m sure there’s something better out there but for the average wannabe Chef the price on this brand is decent. So if a loved one loves to cook this would make their adventures easier to manage.

1. ($$$$$) Roland TD 4S Electronic Drum Set: This set up of electronic pads allows the player to hit any drum and tweak the sound until you find exactly what sound you're looking for.  Also, electronic drum sets are headphone accessible so the only thing that your neighbors will hear is wood hitting rubber. A truly awesome Christmas gift!

PRICE: $899

2. ($$) A Framed Inception Poster: Why not celebrate a new American classic in film by owning a framed poster of Christopher Nolans' masterpiece? This 27" x 40" poster would look great in any bedroom, living room or home theater. Owning this would be a dream come true.

PRICE: $60

3. ($$) Sirius SUPV1: Universal Dock & Play Vehicle Kit: Truth of the matter is, you're only going to find all the popular songs on local radio stations. But what if you want to know the newest bands on the scene? Or the bands who don't get as much credit? 
Thankfully, Sirius Radio has the answer to your problems. Install this bad boy up to your car and you've got access to over 300 channels including rock, hip-hop, pop, country, sports-talk and much much more.

PRICE: $49.99

4. ($$$$$) 32GB iPad: Anyone saying they don't want this is just flat out lying to themselves. Apples' newest creation brings the internet and personality all in a computer than can fit in your hands. With 32GB of storage, you can listen to hundreds of songs while surfing the internet for what time your movie starts. Notebooks? Who needs them? 
We have iPads.

PRICE: $599

5. ($$$$$) Capri 150cc Moped Scooter: Yeah, I'll be this guy. Owning a Moped has been something of a dream of mine. I'm not cool enough to ride a motorcycle and not interested in biking the Tour de whatever, so a moped is perfect for me. It also fits my goofy personality. With 150cc, this baby isn't going to have an issue getting you around the town. So go buy one so I can further my plans of starting a Moped Biker Gang!!

PRICE: $1,349.99


1. (FREE) Poynt App: Poynt is a FREE app available from www.poynt.com that tells you where you can find businesses, restaurants, movie times and, most importantly, the cheapest gas prices right from your immediate location.  I've used that gas price function constantly and saved a ton of money with their highly accurate and updated list of stations.  Poynt works on Android, Blackberry and iPhone.  Download the app for yourself and share it with all your smartphone friends for the holidays, they'll thank you for it.


2. ($$$$$) Tissot Le Locle Automatic Watch: If you're looking for an elegant and classic Swiss watch, you're not going to get a better one for your money than Tissot Le Locle.  You can pick one up for around the $350 - $400 range, which is very reasonable if you're shopping for a true Swiss made watch with an automatic movement.  And the Tissot Le Locle line has without question, the most exquisite display case backs you'll find.  This is like getting a BMW for the price of a Ford.

PRICE: $350-400

3. ($$) Cuisinart SmartStick Hand Blender: I can't begin to tell you how much my wife loves this thing.  She uses it constantly to blend, chop, whisk, puree, etc.  As an immersion blender, she can use this right in the pot that she's cooking in, because the blender and blade are made of stainless steel.  Then you add on the included chopper with reversible blade and whisk attachments and there's no limit to what you can do.  You can pick these up for around $50, which is a super deal considering how versatile this blender can be. 

PRICE: $49

4. ($$$) Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Converse All Stars: Bringing two of my loves together in one package, Converse All Stars and Dr. Seuss.  They just launched The Grinch collection for the holidays and if you're not a kid, the options for adults are a bit limited.  But the available designs are still way cool nonetheless.  Prices range from $55 - $65 and you can order direct from Converse.com. 

PRICE: $55-65

5. ($$$) Star Wars Remote Control Flying Millennium Falcon: Uh, HOLY CRAP!!  It's like Hasbro went back in time and read my 10 year old mind.  They've made a remote controlled FLYING Millennium Falcon.  You can pick these up for around $70.  What else do I need to tell you...it's a FLYING REMOTE CONTROLLED MILLENNIUM FALCON!!!!!!

PRICE: $67

TOPS (2010)

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (BLU-RAY): Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is probably one of my favorite movies of 2010. It combines fighting, comedy, and video games all in one action-packed adventure.

2. Inception (Theatrical): Inception is not only one of the best films of the summer, it's one of the best films of 2010.

3. Kick-Ass (Theatrical): Kick-Ass truly lives up to the title it's been given and more. With room for a sequel, this is the must-see movie of the year.

4. Exit Through The Gift Shop (Theatrical): Exit Through the Gift Shop may be an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the infamous Banksy or it may just be another documentary. Either way, it’s an excellent film to watch.

5. The Office: Season Six (BLU-RAY): Season Six of The Office is the best season yet on Blu-ray and the bonus features are more than enough to keep you occupied until season seven begins and then some.

1. The Pacific (BLU-RAY): The Pacific is one of the best, if not the best, examples of use when it comes to the Blu-Ray technology.

2. Coldwater Canyon Band: Just Getting (CD): I can’t praise this album enough though. Just a great collection of tracks under one roof with absolutely no filler. Be sure to check the bands music out at their myspace website and enjoy.

3. Ghost Blues: The Story of Rory Gallagher & the Beat Club Sessions (DVD): You can just see and feel Rory Gallagher’s inspirations bursting through in his music and you can hear the future of blues rock in his voice. Simply an amazing set for fans and or new comers.

4. Ouran High School Host Club: The Complete Series (BLU-RAY): Forget what your friends may say about your Ouran High School Host Club addiction (and you will become addicted) this is an anime you wont want to miss.

5. Survivors: Complete Seasons One and Two (TV on DVD): The complete Season One and Two is a fantastic set that, even though the show hasn’t been picked up for a third season, is still way worth owning on DVD.

1. Lost: The Complete Collection (BLU-RAY): This is a massive box set showcasing the entire groundbreaking series along with a ton of bonus features, both physical and on film.  This is a must have for anyone who loves television in general.

2.  Toy Story 3 (BLU-RAY): Other studios need to look at Toy Story 3 for not only what they should strive for in picture quality but also storytelling and character building.

3. Avatar (BLU-RAY): Cliche, I know but that doesn't stop this from being one of the best movie experiences of the year.  The extended edition is also available (which we have yet to review) but even this stripped down bare-bones edition is well worth the buy.

4. Valentine's Day (BLU-RAY): Taylor Swift's bad acting aside, this was actually a good movie and worth the buy for your girl or just romantic comedy fan in general.

5. House, M.D.: Season Six (BLU-RAY): It had it's few off episodes but, for the most part, House is at it's strongest here.  Let's hope it holds that momentum, though the way the finale leaves you, they are stepping on dangerous ground.

1. Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (DVD Set): This is truly one of the rare times I would call something “essential viewing.”  This series is something everyone should see and experience at least once.

2. The Art of the Steal (DVD): I highly recommend this film to all art lovers, even though this will probably get them outraged, but that’s the point.

3. Agatha Christie's Poroit: The Movie Collection, Set 5 (TV on DVD): If you were going to start to immerse yourself into the world of the great Belgian detective, then this would be a great place to start.

4. OSS 117: Lost in Rio (DVD): The filmmakers have created a character that is a refreshingly new twist on the familiar…a man of mystery…a man who just needs a strong drink, a beautiful woman and a loaded gun.

5. Jukebox The Ghost: Everything Under the Sun (CD): If you’re moping around because the days are getting darker sooner, the nights are getting cooler or simply because you’re having a rotten day, then pop in Jukebox the Ghost and enjoy Everything Under The Sun.

1. Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (BLU-RAY):  These animations that keep coming out keep getting better and better in the way they look. The style that the art work has is looking more like the comics and sometimes even more realistic then what they were 10 years ago.

2. RuneScape: Betrayal at Falador (BOOK): Betrayal at Falador is a fun, easy, and enthralling book to read from start to finish and it will get me looking for more from T.S. Church.

3. Hank Williams: The Complete Mother's Best Recordings (CD Box Set): With the fun of the people in the studio, getting to hear the Mother’s Best commercials, and the old school twanging of the country songs I ended up liking Hank Williams more than I thought I would.

4. V: The Complete First Season (BLU-RAY): Aside from this the show is a visual wonder to look at. The space ships cg is amazing. At no time do they look like they are fake ships being hung down by lines or were made by some 20-year-old tech student.

5. Planet Hulk (BLU-RAY): There are a lot of little things in Planet Hulk that will make the comic book fanboy happy as well as keeping the non-fanboy enjoying the movie.

1. The Social Network (Theatrical): Expertly handled, written and portrayed, The Social Network is easily one of the best films not in just this year, but of the decade.

2. The Next Three Days (Theatrical): Explosive action, nail-biting suspense and incredible performances help The Next Three Days become an unexpected victory.

3. Pierce The Veil: Selfish Machines (CD): Selfish Machines isn't going to be the album you tell your children about, but it is going to be one for the rock stars in all of us.

4. Afro Samurai: The Complete Murder Sessions (BLU-RAY): In the end, Afro Samurai: The Complete Murder Sessions is a treat for the eyes, a quench to those suffering of blood-thirst and a must-own on blu-ray.

5. Brewster McCloud (DVD): It truly is a work of art and a delight to watch, even after it's 40 years of existence.


REGISTER AND SUBMIT A COMMENT BELOW TO WIN ONE OF THESE AMAZING TITLES .  Please restrict your comment to your favorite items of the past year or your holiday wishlist to be eligible:

-America: The Story of Us (BLU-RAY): From executive producer Jane Root of Planet Earth, comes the breathtaking journey through history--unlike any other in the past 40 years--with live-action recreations of key historical events through the use of cutting edge CGI animation, giving viewers an immersive view of history in the making.

-Great Detectives Anthology (DVD Megaset): Theres a murderer on the moors. Terror on the train. Villains in the village! Only the worlds greatest deductive minds can save the day. Fortunately, Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christies Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple are together, for the first time ever, to confront their most confounding cases in the GREAT DETECTIVES ANTHOLOGY

-Peanuts Holiday Collection (BLU-RAY): A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, A Charlie Brown Christmas & It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown together in one amazing pack, in crystal clear high definition.

-Slayer: The Vinyl Conflict (VINYL BOX SET): All ten albums (11 discs) in "The Vinyl Conflict" were re-mastered from the original analog flat master tapes and were pressed on the highest quality 180-gram audiophile vinyl at RTI, the most respected pressing plant in the U.S. and among the best in the world.  Lacquers were cut and re-cut several times to ensure the highest sound quality.  The individual discs are in a standard, clear inner sleeve to preserve the vinyl, then housed in high-quality, litho wrapped jackets, and then boxed in a hardcover slipcase.  Additionally, reproductions of the original LP inner sleeve artwork were converted to 12X12 inserts.

-Pride & Prejudice (BLU-RAY): Pride and Prejudice is the story of the lively and rebellious Elizabeth Bennet, one of five unmarried daughters living in the countryside of 19th-century England. In a world where obtaining an advantageous marriage is a woman's sole occupation, Elizabeth's independent manner threatens her family's future.

-Earth and Space (BLU-RAY): Watch as history and science, earth and space collide in this epic collection of episodes from the premiere seasons of two landmark HISTORY series: The Universe and How the Earth Was Made.

-Space 1999: The Complete Season One (BLU-RAY): In the year 1999, a spectacular explosion at a lunar nuclear waste dump sends the moon out of Earth’s orbit. In this seminal sci-fi series from producer Gerry Anderson (Thunderbirds, UFO), the men and women of Moonbase Alpha are suddenly propelled on a treacherous journey across the universe in search of extraordinary new worlds.

-'Twas the Night Before Christmas (DVD): For some unexplained reason, letters to Santa Claus are being returned to the children of Junctionville.

-Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales (DVD): Tis the season for the cheer and charm of the Peanuts kids - and this delight special offers five segments full of unforgettable moments. Snoopy works as a bell-ringer to raise money and tries making peace with the ferocious cat next door.

-WWII: The Essential Collection (DVD Megaset): For the first time ever, the most influential documentaries on World War II are available in one comprehensive collection

-The World At War (BLU-RAY): More than 35 years after its initial broadcast, THE WORLD AT WAR remains the definitive visual history of World War II. Unsurpassed in depth and scope, its 26 hour-long programs feature an extraordinary collection of newsreel, propaganda, and home-movie footage drawn from the archives of 18 nations, including color close-ups of Adolf Hitler taken by his mistress, that present an unvarnished perspective of the war s pivotal events.

-Benny Hill: The Complete Collection (DVD Megaset): The undisputed Funniest Man on Television Benny Hill pioneered a naughty new direction for the sketch-comedy variety show and pushed TV broadcasting to new levels of rowdiness as he electrified audiences all over the world with The Benny Hill Show.

-WWII in HD (BLU-RAY):  Seventy years in the making. Three thousand hours of color footage no one knew existed. The first documentary to show World War II from the perspective of both sides in full, immersive HD color, the world premiere HISTORY series WWII in HD uses the diaries of soldiers who fought in the war’s biggest battles to create a personal, introspective and detailed look at life on and off the front lines.

-Rich Man, Poor Man: The Complete Collection (DVD Megaset): The first-ever dramatic miniseries to appear on American television, the multi-award winning RICH MAN, POOR MAN spans decades and generations to trace the epic story of the Jordache family from 1945 to the late 1960s.

-Secret Agent aka Danger Man: The Complete Collection (DVD Megaset): It was 1965 when American audiences first welcomed handsome secret agent John Drake (Patrick McGoohan of The Prisoner) into their homes as CBS ran the unique spy series known as Secret Agent. Wielding brains and a moral outlook instead of weapons, Drake traveled to the corners of the globe on the trail of international criminals, corrupt politicians, and stolen secrets.

-Samantha: An American Girl Holiday (DVD): The American Girl collection of books, dolls, and accessories makes its film debut in this inaugural title featuring bestselling character Samantha, in a live-action holiday story set in 1904.

-LennoNYC (DVD): LENNONYC is the story of one of the most famous and influential artists of the Twentieth Century, and how he found redemption not in the public adoration he craved as a youth, but in the quiet and simple pleasures of fatherhood.

-V: The Complete First Season (BLU-RAY): They arrive. Earth’s first alien encounter begins when huge motherships appear over 29 major cities. The visitors – the Vs – are human-like beings who know our languages and bring awesome gifts of healing and technology.

-Rumpole of the Bailey: The Complete Collection (DVD Megaset): An immensely popular series broadcast on PBS from 1978 to 1992, RUMPOLE OF THE BAILEY set a new bar for all courtroom dramas to come. Balancing suspense and satire as deftly as the scale of justice, Horace Rumpole tirelessly defends the downtrodden while undressing the upper classes.

-Yogi Bear's All Star Comedy Christmas Caper (DVD): Yogi Bear and his pal Boo Boo live in Jellystone Park, where they constantly sneak behind the back of Ranger Smith to steal picnic baskets from unsuspecting vacationers.


I'll admit that there were a

I'll admit that there were a couple of good things that came out this year, but the only things that I felt an absolute need to acquire were Scott Pilgrim on Blu-Ray and my SDCC ticket. Either would make a great gift for someone who doesn't have them yet.

Holiday wish list

There are a few movies that I would love on the list, but I need a blu-ray player first so I can watch them.

Danger Man is AWESOME!

CBS was foolish not to order a second season.

best things....

some of the best things for me were....
tv: Survivors(BBC) the walking dead (AMC) the Pacific(HBO) Sparticus (STARZ) and The Good Guys (fox) the good guys has one of the hottest tv actresses around in Jenny Wade, who is one of my favorite hotties of the year.
Movies: Scott Pilgrim... The virginity hit, Easy A and Kick Ass.
Comics: Dc comics storylines were badass this year Marvels not so much. And lots o indie stuff as well were great this year.
cool stuff: my 1st Bluray player
would really love to win the V ssn 1 bluray to be the 1st for my new player

After looking into one for my

After looking into one for my grandapa, i have to say. I would LOVE a kindle.


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If Santa Saw Fit

If Santa saw fit I would have to have an iPad or Atlanta Thrashers season tickets. I would defenitely need a new Teavana Perfect Tea Maker, as mine is 2 years old and heavily used. I would have to agree in that the Tissot Le Locle Automatic Watch is the best value in watches. I currently use my cell phone as a watch. I need anything to do with A nightmare before Christmas. Maybe a bobble head doll. I would love that Slayer Record set. A band that has passed the test of time without selling out. Peace be with you throughout the holidays.

Great Choices!

I would really love the Kindle, Moped and IPad! But of course gift cards are always nice. The HTPC looks nice and convenient. I love the boxed sets full of hours of movie entertainment. The record set looks very nice. It would be a great collectors item to own. That watch is to die for! I love it, that is the perfect watch to help bring them back in to style. Over all you really can't go wrong! Happy Holidays!

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