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Pillow Talk

If you’re a fan of the romcom then you’re probably going to want to see this if you haven’t already. A little bit edgy (for that time and place), absolutely hilarious, and filled with chemistry between it’s two leads. Pillow Talk has never looked or sounded better. ... Read more

The Red House

Like most people I am pretty familiar with Edward G. Robinson as the tough (and sometimes soft hearted) gangster type and I had never really seen him in anything but those old gangster flicks other then the obvious titles like Soylent Green or The Ten Commandments.... Read more

Buck Privates

“Buck Privates” was first released in theaters in 1941 and the movie starred the comedic duo of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.... Read more

Battle Royale: The Complete Collection

The first time I saw Battle Royale I was blown away. Like Kubrick’s 1971 opus to the contradictions of society from a youth’s perspective, so was Battle Royale.... Read more


In Luchino Visconti’s Bellissima Anna Magnani plays Maddalena Cecconi, a star struck mother who takes her child to a contest held by a movie studio looking for a young girl to star in their next film.... Read more

La Terra Trema

La Terra Trema is the second film from Italian Neorealist director Luchino Visconti. The film takes place in the poor Sicilian village of Aci Trezze where there is a class war between the rich merchants and the struggling fisherman.... Read more

Sullivan's Travels


My Man Godfrey

My man Godfrey has been through it’s phases; first as a black and white romantic comedy, then brought to life with a splash of color, it even went Criterion at one point.... Read more

Mirror Mirror

The timeless fairy tale Snow White gets a dazzling makeover by visionary director Tarsem Singh in this fantasy adventure starring Oscar winner Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen and newcomer Lily Collins as the fair-skinned Princess Snow White.... Read more
