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Imogen Poots (Fright Night)

Imogen Poots: The Interview (Fright Night)

Imogen can be found in 28 Weeks Later, Solitary Man, Centurion and 2010's Jane Eyre.

Imogen Poots isn't a stranger to variety. She has been apart of very different classifications of film: From 28 Weeks Later to the recent remake of the popular period piece, Jane Eyre. But come August 19th, Imogen will be facing something she has never been apart of: Vampires. Alongside Anton Yelchin and Colin Ferrel, Poots will star as Amy in the remake of the 1985 horror film, Fright Night. Shakefire had the chance to catch Imogen on the phone and discuss the movie, vampires, bugs and Doctor Who.

SHAKEFIRE: How would you describe Amy? 

IMOGEN POOTS: I would describe Amy as very suave. She's a bright cookie, but at the same time she's capable of killing vampires and being very rock and roll. She's not the accessory girlfriend. As a character, she's really discovered. She goes on a journey throughout the film. 

SF: You've said that you believe in truly getting into the character. Is the role of Amy what drew you into Fright Night?

IP: I was interested in the film's director, Craig Gillespie, who did Lars and The Real Girl. I was interested to see how he'd approach the commercial beef to the film and bring his background work along. He was a big appeal to me. Reading Fright Night, it was very humble to see the actors involved: Colin Ferrel, Anton Yelchin, Gillespie. I was very excited to be a part of it. 

SF: Speaking of the cast, along with Ferrel and Yelchin, you worked with David Tenannt in Fright Night. Do you happen to be a fan of Doctor Who? 

IP: You know, I've never watched Doctor Who, but I hugely admire David's work. From his shows to on the stage..But I've worked with Tennant and Matt Smith, who is now the current Doctor Who. So I'm kind of living the life of the doctors. With David, it's great to see him in a new light. He has great comedic timing. It's hard to keep a straight face.

SF: You've done plenty of different genres of film, from horror to period pieces. What genre is your favorite to work on?

IP: I think it's interesting to discover genre through the art of the genre. It's fascinating to do these period pieces because you're dressed up. But I wouldn't say i am really drawn to a specific genre. It's really down to the director and the cast that makes the film so special. 

SF: Who did you find to be the most fun on the set of Fright Night?

IP: Anton and Christopher (Mintz-Plasse) are just the best. They're my boys. We had a lot fun while we were in New Mexico for a couple of months. I adored time with them, but everyone was so easy, you know? I mean, we're making a film that's fundamentally ridiculous, so you have to appreciate it. But everyone was pretty easy going. 

SF: Who would be your ideal co-star if you had cast your own film?

IP: Charlie Chaplin *Nervous laughter* He would be my ideal.

SF: Why's that?

IP: I think he would crack me up all the time. I would like to take a walk with Charlie Chaplin in the park. That would make my life. 

SF: When did you first realize that you enjoyed acting?

IP: I think when I was 13 or 14, I saw a play at my school and I was drawn to it because it's based on writing and improvisation, so it's very much a collaboration of people your own age. I hated sports at school. My mom used to write me these fake sick notes, cause she thought it to be bollocks, too. Acting was something I was really looking forward to and I think it's very important when you're young to find an outlet at school and I was very happy at school. You definitely feel privileged to find something that some people just don't have the opportunity to understand. You know, to have the potential to find something outside of themselves or their work. 

SF: I've heard that you're scared easily. Is that true?

IP: That is completely true. I was actually frightened at a cockroach the other day, singing "I Will Survive". I proceeded to approach the cockroach. That was a very big moment in my life. Anything with more than 4 legs that is miniscule, I can't be dealing with that. *laughs*

SF: With being scared easily, did you have any trouble at all watching the original Fright Night?

IP: Not really. I think it would be embarrassing to admit that I was tortured watching that. The original isn't strictly horror. It's definitely a combination of horror and comedy and that's what's entertaining about the film, fundamentally. I don't like scary movies. The Others is my favorite scary film, so that should give you...I'm not very into gore. I find it dull in films, but the cast embellished it with so much comedy, that it worked. 

SF: You were just at Comic-Con the other week, weren't you?

IP: Yeah! Just the other week I was there. 

SF: What did you think? That was your first visit, right?

IP: I went with Colin and Craig. On the way to the Con in San Diego, I stopped a Jack In The Box to use the restroom, so that was exciting. *laughs* That was my moment of San Diego. In terms of the convention, it was wonderful to see the film brought to the fans and the degree of people who would take it seriously. 

SF: With Fright Night being in 3D, did you find yourself trying to have any gimmicky fun?

IP: That's interesting. That's what is important, we were never told it was in 3D. Our characters were never involved with the form of filming it in 3D. It's used in a much more environment. I wasn't too aware of the 3D while on set. The fact that it's presence is subtle, I think that's why it works. It's used in moments and not overall, which I think is when it works. I really dislike most of the films in 3D. I think it takes away the art of the film and what is really is. With Fright Night, I think it's used well and doesn't take away from the humanity of the story. 

SF: I was taken back when I saw the director of Lars and The Real Girl had a new 3D film.

IP: I know, really! That's why I think it works: You have this director who is so capable of understanding humanity who can bring it to this audience. It's very safe. So I was very excited to work with those people. 

Fright Night opens in theaters on August 19th in both 3D and 2D.

Ryan Sterritt
Interview by Ryan Sterritt
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