>> Emily Rose: The Interview (HAVEN)

Show: Haven

Job: Actor (Agent Audrey Parker)

Airdate/Time: July 15, 2011 10:00pm

Network: SyFy

Official Site

Interesting Tidbits

Emily Rose is a skilled Equestrian in both English and Western riding. (She likes to ride horses)

Emily Rose graduated from Vanguard University of Southern California with a degree in Theater Arts. She been on numerous TV shows (ER, Brothers & Sisters, and Two and a Half men) as well as the voice of Elena Fisher on the widely-popular Playstation videogame series entitled “Uncharted.” Her current project is the hit TV show, “Haven,” on the Syfy Network. They are starting second season this Friday, July 15, 2011 at 10 pm.

Shakefire: There have been other super-natural sci-fi suspense TV shows in the past, such as Erie Indiana, X-Files, and Fringe, but what do you feel sets Haven apart from the other shows?

Emily Rose: I feel Haven is unique because it is entirely shot in a small town (Chester, Nova Scotia in Canada) giving the show its own different qualities. Also, we are not afraid to have awkward moments and this show has a lot of them.

SF: Your character on the show, Agent Audrey Parker, is a sharp, spunky, take no crap from anyone type of person with a heart of gold. How would you compare yourself to her?

ER: I’m so proud that there are so many similarities between Audrey and I. I was a tomboy growing up and my dad raised me to be tough. We are both stubborn and feel the need to help others, even if it distracts us from taking cares of ourselves. Also, we both love being badass.

SF: Contrary to what everyone believes, the whole show is filmed in Nova Scotia, Canada. What do you like about filming at this location?

ER: I love all the people here and the crew works their butts off here. I also love how picturesque everything is. It’s like a postcard every corner you turn here. I feel like I have a special connection to Nova Scotia. Not a big fan or the rain or cold though.

SF: Haven is based off of the book, “Colorado Kid,” which was written by Stephen King. Do you have any favorite Stephen King books or movies?

ER:  I love the “Green Mile” and my favorite movie of all time, “Stand by Me.” I can curl up under a blanket and watch that movie over and over again. 

SF: I heard that you did the voice-overs in the Uncharted videogame series as Elena Fisher. I wasn’t sure and had to play the games again and I heard the resemblance. What are the major difference between doing voice-overs for a videogame and acting on a TV show?

ER: I love doing both and Uncharted is a bit different than what you might think. Its a part of the new generation of videogames because I am actually doing motion capture for Elena as well as her voice. So I have to do all the movements and act as well as read my lines. It’s a pretty cool process and I hope they consider casting me as her in the upcoming Uncharted movie. That would be so cool!

SF: Everyone on Haven has super powers. If you could have any super powers, what would they be?

ER: I wish I would be able to teleport back and forth between L.A. (where I live) and Nova Scotia (where Haven is filmed) without having to go through the TSA. That would be such a dream for me.

SF: What can we expect in season two of Haven? Are there any details you can tell us about the upcoming season?

ER: I can’t say too much about it. However, I can tell you thought that it is going to be a lot darker and more action packed. Also, we have some new characters to introduce to everyone in Haven. So keep watching and hope you guys love it!!

SF: WOW!!! That sounds awesome! Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see what happens on Haven!! Thank you for your time!

ER: Oh no! Thank you and all the fan! I love the show too and want to keep it going. Take care!

Emily Rose on Twitter



"SF: I heard that you did the voice-overs in the Uncharted videogame series as Elena Fisher. "


O RLY? I believe this is the gigs that really made her shine as an artist and also that made millions of people know about her since 2007.

"SF: I wasn’t sure and had to play the games again and I heard the resemblance."...

Seriously guys....

Love her

Love Haven, One of the few shows I watch the same night its on. Season 2 is good.... I hope it keeps going.

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