>> Angelique Sabrina: Quickie 10

Quickie 10

Artist: Angelique Sabrina

Latest Album: Pull Up

In Stores: 05/06/2012

Official Site

Coming from the islands, pop star Angelique Sabrina, is ready to excite a new generation of young fans through singing, songwriting, acting and dancing. At only 14 years of age, this budding music maven is turning heads and taking names in a way that has listeners eager to hear more.

1. What are you doing tonight?
Tonight I am doing a lot of homework and studying! I'll probably also read a little bit and listen to Michael Jackson!

2. Who would your dream collaboration be?
I would love to collaborate with Bruno Mars. He's an amazing entertainer to me. I've loved his writing skills, vocals and performance ability for a very long time now and if I were ever able to work with him I'd be ecstatic!

3. Last person you talked to?
The last person I talked to was one of my best friends on the phone!

4. Favorite quote:
My absolute favorite quote is by Michael Jackson. He said, "Study the greats and become greater". I think that I love that quote so much because it really inspires me to learn as much about my craft as possible and become the best artist that I can be.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do believe in love at first sight. I don't know why because it takes so much for relationships to really work and you have to be compatible with the other person but I do believe in love at first sight.

6. What is your idea of heaven?
My idea of heaven is actually really simple. I feel that after death you can't know what to expect but hopefully we all can be at eternal peace with God. Heaven is something I don't try to figure out but I do believe in living life out of love and being as genuine a person as possible.

7. What always makes you smile?

Something that always makes me smile is my friends. No matter what my friends are always there for me and we just get a kick out of each other. How our day was going before seeing each other is completely irrelevant when it comes to being with my friends and I love that.

8. Most thoughtful gift you have received?
For one of my birthdays, my parents surprised me with a beautiful drum set at my birthday party, and then later surprised me with a small home recording studio! That was the most amazing present I had ever gotten. Of coarse now that studio has grown so much, and we're still always in it. It was one of those priceless presents!

9. Being a young R&B singer from the islands, there will undoubtedly be comparisons to Rihanna. How do you feel that your sound differentiates from her?
Being from the islands I do get a lot of comparisons to Rihanna. I'm really honored of that because I think that Rihanna is an amazing artist but  the differences between our sound are definitely there and I'm really excited for everyone to hear them when my singles release this summer!

10. You have all the pieces needed to become a star, from the right producers, the right buzz and the right connections.  How much pressure do you feel to succeed and how do you deal with that pressure?
I don't feel any other pressure than living up to my goals in life. I have a really strong focus when it comes to my music and performing and I only ever feel the need to live up to my standards and be the best that I can be. I'm always practicing and going over things in my head just to make sure that I don't let myself down because I definitely consider myself to be my biggest critic.

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