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By Lee Roberts

Zero Month Hits DC Comics and Character of the Week 25

Ok, so last week in my blog I was wondering what was going to happen during this September for DC Comics first year anniversary of the New 52. Well, this week I have that answer, #0 titles. It’s being titled DC Zero Month where all the titles are getting a zero issue where it will give some secrets away from the pasts of the heroes. All the titles that month will be stand alone titles with the purpose of bringing in new readers to the New 52 line up as well as giving regular readers some new information on their favorite titles.
With that in mind now I have to wonder what sort of information is going to be given about the characters pasts? With the muddled timeline and all the questions that remain will these zero issues shed some light on what has been going on in the world of the DC heroes? Which I think will be cool cause it’s always cool getting to see the beginnings of the heroes, what drives them to do what they are doing, but what will those answers be? The New 52 is a relaunch not a reboot, that should mean that the origin stories should remain pretty close to what they’ve always been. Superman came to Earth when his parents sent him away as Krypton was destroyed, Bruce Wayne became Batman because of the death of his parents, and Green Lantern was given the ring by Abin Sur.
Will any of these stories change much or are we going to be given some other origin story? Some characters like Wonder Woman can have her origins change more easily because there’s actually other reasons for her to do what she does. Now I can’t speak for all 52 titles since I don’t read all 52 but for the ones I do read, ones like Justice League we already know the origins of the team, work together to stop the too big of a threat for the one and few, Suicide Squad is about the bad guys continuing to do bad things while having Harley Quinn in it, and so on.

Then again origins don’t strictly mean that DC has to tell the very beginning of the heroes like when Dick Grayson’s parents fell doing their circus act but rather give stories of their first day on the job. Sure we know that Bruce Wayne decided to become Batman because of the murder of his parents, we’ve seen him in action during Year One, and we’ve seen him sitting in that chair in the dark room thinking about what image would inspire fear when the bat came crashing through the window but what about between those gaps? Getting to see Bruce Wayne go from that chair and actually have a plan in mind on what he was going to do. Buy a suit, but what kind of suit, will I need weapons, if so what kind, what about a backpack to carry it all around in, would a utility belt work, oh what about a cape? To show Bruce Wayne down in the Batcave when it was just a cave and him setting everything up for the first time or that first night that he put the cape and cowl on and went out. These kinds of stories would be interesting, especially with certain characters like Catwoman, Batgirl, Batwoman, Green Lantern (all of them), and well any story with Harley Quinn I would be happy with.

That’s right, with the Zero Month DC Comics has also announced that they will be ending 4 titles and bringing in a new 4. Here’s the 4 that got the ax this round.
Justice League International

Resurrection Man
Captain Atom
Now from what I understand Voodoo, Resurrection Man, and Captain Atom will be getting a zero issue in September but once that’s out they will end.
The 4 titles that are taking their place are.
Talon – a spin off from the storyline in the Bat titles Court of Owls

Sword and Sorcery – something about Amethyst Princess of Gemworld

Team Seven – is a team to fight Superman

The Phantom Stranger – he has to deal with the Pandora and the Spectre.

Out of those 4 new titles I will get Talon and Team Seven. Talon I’m getting for 2 reasons, 1 is that the character comes from the world of Batman and 2, I’m guessing because he’s from the Bat titles there will be times he has to deal with Batman. For Team Seven, well a book of characters that’s been put together to fight Superman just might be fun to read. Though I got to wonder for just how long this title can stay interesting? At first the forming of the team, then working out a plane, setting that plan in motion, and finally fighting Superman. Now they could do the norm by having Superman beat during that first encounter with them and then on the second meeting he beats them, but how long after that can the book stay interesting if they always get beat? Maybe have them win a few more times, actually keep Superman away from places or doing what he needs to do, now that would be interesting for a while. With a team of 7 people it would be like the Sinister Six, oh wait they constantly loose, ok I’ll just have to wait to find out on this one then.


Your read that right, I said Spider-Ham for the character of the week this week. Do you even have to wonder why he has become this week’s chosen character? Come on, he's a talking pig with spider powers that dresses in the Spider-Man costume and his name is Peter Porker. That alone is enough to make this character great. I just don't understand why he hasn't made it into the big time. Oh that's right, he's a talking pig with spider powers wearing a Spider-Man costume that goes by the name of Peter Porker.

Yeah I joke but I really do like this character. It could be because the first time I read a story with him in it I was a kid. Considering I was a kid at the time of reading about a talking pig with spider powers in a Spider-Man costume with a name of Peter Porker, it made a lasting impression that allows me to like this somewhat off-beat character. Sure he looks goofy, he basically is a bad pun on the Spider-Man comic, and he's a talking pig, but the character itself still has the same drive as the real Peter Parker, he still fights crime as a superhero, and the stories that he was in were all good natured and always funny. So yeah he might be corny, the stories might not be winning awards, and he remains a pig with spider powers, but he's always made me laugh and for that he deserves some props.