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Wicked Blood
Water Liars: Water Liars

Water Liars

(Water Liars)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What do you do when you feel bad, down, happy, or any other sort of emotion? Do you talk about it or share your feelings with someone? Water Liars is a band that has done what we all do, talk about their emotions, well, they don't actually talk considering this is a band with the self titled album, so instead of talking Water Liars sing about their feelings. On this 11 track album called, Water Liars, the band sings about being moments that can be related to, only if you had a guitar and drum set playing your back up and you where singing instead of just talking.
At first though I was thrown off about what I was going to be hearing with this band. As the opening notes began to play on the first track, “Cannibal”, and knowing the first track was called “Cannibal”, I thought this album was going to have some heavy metal songs. Those first 20 seconds of the song opens with a guitar riff that instantly builds anticipation into some loud vocals. My body was gearing up for it, I was even getting ready to adjust the volume on my player, but then the vocals did come through and they are soft, easy, and relaxed. This is a easy going album with vocals that give the songs a laid back tempo but one that holds a lot of emotion.In fact this whole album is one that is filled with emotion. Yes, most, if not nearly all, albums/songs are ones that have emotions to them but in this songs you really know what you're getting into. That is songs that have lyrics that is telling you stories in the life of this band, even though most of these stories don't sound happy ones.
Most of the songs have this somber, sad meaning to them or at least to me they seem to be sad songs. They are sung really well, especially for a band that's only 3 years old, because before I found out that Water Liars had formed in 2011 I had thought they had been around for a while. Their sound is one of a group that's been playing together for a long time, they know each other and what to do when together. All the elements of the songs are played well together where the sounds just blend into one another. When I focused on the vocals I could still hear the guitar while I still could hear the drums. Thought he songs are kind of on the down side, not ones I would be listening to if I where in a good mood or wanted to get in one, but they are still very well played. Though there are a few songs on here that have a more upbeat sound to them and give off a good vibe. In fact it's mainly the instruments that give the songs their more upbeat sound while the vocals are more on the sadder side of the emotional spectrum. And even with the sadness the songs kind of give off, I did enjoy the album. It has vocals that are smooth, strong, and though sad they are very emotional. The instruments are played strong but don't ever overshadow the vocals, and the songs don't sound the same from one track to the next.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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