
Emile Hirsch to star in 'Hamlet'

Overture Films is developing a modern-day adaptation of "Hamlet" to star Emile Hirsch. "Twilight" helmer Catherine Hardwicke is on board to direct, with Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen producing.

Ron Nyswaner ("Philadelphia," "The Painted Veil") is adapting the Shakespeare story into a tale set in contempo America.

Jinks and Cohen credited Hirsch with coming up with the idea for the modernized version. The producers noted that there hasn't been a movie version with an appropriately aged actor playing the role. Overture said it hopes to have a finished script in the coming months, with principal photography commencing soon thereafter.

Hirsch previously worked with Jinks and Cohen on "Milk" and with Hardwicke on "Lords of Dogtown."

"Hamlet" has been adapted numerous times for the screen, including Laurence Olivier's 1948 version, which won the best picture Oscar.

Other notable "Hamlet" pics include a 1969 version directed by Tony Richardson and starring Nicol Williamson, Franco Zeffirelli's 1990 film starring Mel Gibson and Kenneth Branagh's 1996 version.

Peter Oberth
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