
Bryan Cranston to Play 'Total Recall' Villain

Bryan Cranston is negotiations to play the villain in Columbia's remake of Total Recall.

Colin Farrell is toplining the action movie, which is being directed by Len Wiseman and produced by Neal Moritz and his Original Film banner.

The original 1990 movie was based on a Philip K. Dick story, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale." The film  followed a man haunted by a recurring dream of journeying to Mars who buys a literal dream vacation from a company called Rekall Inc., which sells implanted memories. The man comes to believe he is a secret agent and ends up on a Martian colony, where he fights to overthrow a despotic ruler controlling the production of air.

The new story involves nation states Euromerica and New Shanghai, with Douglas Quaid (Farrell) a factory worker in the latter who begins to believe he is a spy, although he doesn't know for which side.

Cranston would play Vilos Cohaagen, the leader of Euromerica who, under the cover of protecting his people, is secretly readying an invasion of New Shanghai.

While racking up Emmys for his work in AMC's Breaking Bad, Cranston has been working steadily in film. He is currently on screens with Matthew McConaughey in The Lincoln Lawyer and has Tom Hanks' Larry Crowne in the can. He will also be seen with Ryan Gosling in Drive and Disney's John Carter of Mars.

Peter Oberth
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