
Will & Jaden Smith to star in Shyamalan's new sci fi pic

Not content with helping launch his son’s career, it looks like Will Smith wants to share the screen with him again, signing on to an untitled sci-fi adventure opposite 12-year-old sprog Jaden Smith.

And not only that, but it would appear that Smith is also aiming to resuscitate the career of someone who could really use the help, with M Night Shyamalan co-writing the script alongside Book of Eli writer Gary Whitta, and locking in a deal to direct.

Regular Smith collaborator Sony is backing the film, which is set 1,000 years in the future and will see a boy and his estranged father exploring an empty Earth after their ship crashes on the planet.

"Night is an outstanding filmmaker who has a tremendous vision for this science-fiction adventure story and we couldn't be more excited to be working again with Jaden after our experiences on The Pursuit of Happyness and The Karate Kid," Columbia Pictures president Doug Belgrad blabbed in a statement. "We're thrilled to have the two of them together on this project." It’s clear he has yet to see The Last Airbender…

The elder Smith, meanwhile, is still at work on the script-delayed Men in Black III, which should (hopefully) be out next summer.

Peter Oberth
News by Peter Oberth
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