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'Veronica Mars' Movie Exceeds $2 Million goal on Kickstarter

Good news, Veronica Mars fans.

Series creator Rob Thomas' Kickstarter campaign has reached its goal of raising $2 million, which would be put toward making a film this summer for an early 2014 release.

The campaign was launched Wednesday morning, with the goal of reaching that figure within a month (by 11 p.m. April 12); Thomas succeeded in less than one day -- and donations still are being accepted.

The Kickstarter page notes that the movie would go into preproduction as soon as the campaign ended if the goal had been met.

There has been lots of speculation and interest among fans about a possible Veronica Mars movie since the teenage detective comedy, starring Kristen Bell, was canceled in 2007 (It aired for two seasons on UPN then one on its successor The CW). But Warner Bros. has been hesitant to greenlight a film, Thomas wrote on the Kickstarter page.

"There was a moment, a few years ago, when we thought we had a real shot at making it happen," he wrote. "I probably stoked fan fervor in my optimistic comments about the prospects. Warner Bros. wasn’t convinced there was enough interest to warrant a major studio-sized movie about Veronica, and the project never got off the ground."

When Thomas and Bell approached Warner Bros., which owns rights to the series, the digital division was intrigued by the grassroots approach. The studio told the duo it would help with legal work and digital distribution via VOD and other platforms, as well as with a very limited theatrical run.

Even studio insiders were surprised by the level of support for the film adaptation and indicated they would be willing to revisit their original proposal if warranted.

"Their reaction was, 'If you can show there’s enough fan interest to warrant a movie, we’re on board,'" Thomas wrote. "So this is it. This is our shot. I believe it's the only one we've got. It's nerve-wracking."

Bell wrote a message of her own to fans on the Kickstarter page.

"I am currently the happiest blonde in a hamster ball the world has ever seen," she wrote. "We have been waiting so long to make this movie dream a movie reality, and it’s because of YOUR commitment, YOUR persistence, that we finally have a chance. … I promise to give it my all. I promise to work my hardest to give everyone a little bit more Veronica, and I will be oh so honored to do so."
As for the movie's story line, Thomas revealed some teasers.

"Life has taken Veronica away from Neptune," he revealed. "In the years since spoiling [dad] Keith's [Enrico Colantoni] chances to be re-elected sheriff, Veronica hasn't taken a case. But something big is about to bring her back home and back to her calling. My goal is to include as many of your favorite characters as possible. It is, after all, time for Veronica’s 10-year high school reunion."