
Elodie Yung Cast as Elektra for Daredevil Season 2

Elodie Yung has been cast as the deadly assassin Elektra for the upcoming Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil.

Elektra, a fan favorite of the comicbook series, has always been a longtime love interest of Daredevil, although her violent tendencies tend to keep their relationship at a distance. For Season 2, she's described as a mysterious and dangerous woman from Matt Murdock's (Charlie Cox) past who could prove to be too much for the Man without Fear. Fans might recall a brief scene in Season 1 between Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson in which they discuss a certain greek girl he once dated, but things didn't work out; an obvious hint at Elektra and their past relationship. 

“After a worldwide search, we found in Elodie the perfect actress to embody both Elektra’s impressive and deadly physicality, as well as her psychological complexity,” said Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb in a statement. “Paired with Charlie as Matt Murdock, the two will bring one of the most beloved and tumultuous comic book relationships to life with all the accompanying sparks and spectacular action sequences the show is known for.”

Yung, who previously appeared as Jinx in G.I. Joe: Retaliation, is joining the Jon Bernthal, who will be playing Frank Castle aka The Punisher for Season 2

Season 2 is currently being filmed and will be released on Netflix in 2016.