>> Marv Wolfman Joins DC Universe Online Team

In another sign of Sony Online Entertainment LLC's (SOE) commitment to the upcoming DC Universe™ Online (DCUO) massively multiplayer online video game, the company today announced that award-winning writer Marv Wolfman has joined the creative team at WildStorm Productions that is working with SOE to bring the DC Universe to life on the PLAYSTATION® 3 computer entertainment system and the PC.

Wolfman will write compelling story arcs, exciting quests and in-game events for DCUO. Wolfman's seminal run on The New Teen Titans is a favorite among comic book fans, and along with his work on series such as Crisis on Infinite Earths, Batman and Superman, he has become one of the most recognizable names in comics of the last three decades. His illustrious comic credits also include creating and writing Blade, The Vampire Hunter.

Wolfman joins an all-star roster already at work on DCUO, including legendary comic book artist Jim Lee, who serves as the game's executive creative director, and renowned DC writer Geoff Johns, who is crafting the game's overarching story. DCUO is currently in development at SOE's Austin studio in collaboration with DC Comics and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

"Getting Marv on board with DC Universe Online shows just how passionate and determined we are about making sure this franchise delivers for both video game players and comic book fans alike," said John Smedley, president of SOE. "This is a true collaboration between the top talent at DC and SOE, and I believe the result of this creative alliance will be one of the most exciting, memorable online game experiences to date."

Wolfman has been a creative force both on and off the pages of comic books. Wolfman recently worked as a writer for the popular Teen Titans animated series. In addition to Blade, which was turned into a TV series and three hit movies starring Wesley Snipes, he created Bullseye, the prime villain in the 2003 movie Daredevil. Wolfman has received numerous awards and recognition for his work, including the SCRIBE award for best speculative fiction novel adaptation for Superman Returns, and a special commendation by the White House for his work on three anti-drug comics for the "Just Say No" program.

"As a gamer, this is a dream project in many ways," said Wolfman. "I get to create new stories in the DC Universe that will make this video game world a truly unique, unforgettable experience."

Available Consoles: Playstation 3

Ship Date: February 6, 2009


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