>> Cooper Objects To This Means War

Source: Empire

Seems like Bradley Cooper is a conscientious objector: the A-Team and The Hangover star has dropped out of McG’s spy comedy, This Means War.

The film, in which Cooper would have starred as a spy who battles over a woman with his lifelong friend, who’s also a secret agent, was to have started filming sometime this Spring, but Cooper’s departure has meant that it’s been pushed back until July.

Officially, a scheduling conflict has been cited as Cooper’s reason for departure, with The Hangover 2 gearing up for an October start date. Cooper might have been able to squeeze both movies in, but if This Means War had overrun, that would have been nigh on impossible.

However, ew.com, which broke the story, says that Cooper had concerns over the quality of the script. Given that it’s been in development at Fox for nigh-on a decade, with numerous writers taking a bash at it (the latest is Timothy Dowling), that’s hardly surprising.

So now McG has to find two leading men to play opposite Reese Witherspoon, who remains attached.

Starring: Bradley Cooper


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