>> Three Xs plus three Ds equals a new Vin Diesel xXx in 3D

Source: JoBlo

While it pays to be wary of movie announcements on April 1st, this one seems pretty plausible: Vin Diesel and director Rob Cohen are re-teaming for a new xXx flick, in 3D.

It's been in the works for a while, and even got a script titled xXx: THE RETURN OF XANDER CAGE. But then Cohen departed to make his big-budget period action project MEDIEVAL (which has apparently crumbled) and Diesel revved up for another FAST AND FURIOUS.

Now Deadline says the xXxtreme superspy will be back from the seemingly dead, but has left Sony for a new home at Paramount, who must be desperate for a franchise. And naturally, it will be in 3D. As Cohen says: "I feel what we did in the beginning of the decade was bring a different attitude to the action movie and a different kind of hero. With the new 3D instrument and the techniques I can apply, we can create a different kind of cutting-edge experience in 3D by shooting it that way from the beginning the way James Cameron did AVATAR."

Deadline also says that most of the action will take place in Europe, and that Sam Jackson will be back as xXx's scarfaced handler.

The real question is: besides Vin Diesel and Rob Cohen, who else has actually been anxious for another xXx movie?

Title: xXx 3D

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Vin Diesel

Director: Rob Cohen

Studio: Sony


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