>> Jon Bon Jovi, Seth Meyers Join 'New Year's Eve'

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Jon Bon Jovi and Seth Meyers are putting on their party hats for New Line’s all-star ensemble New Year’s Eve, being directed by Garry Marshall.

German actor Til Schweiger has also closed a deal to board the production.

Bon Jovi and Meyers join a cast that counts Halle Berry, Jessica Biel, Abigail Breslin, Robert De Niro, Zac Efron, Ashton Kutcher, Lea Michele, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, Hilary Swank and Sofia Vergara among its cast.

The movie tells intertwining stories of a group of New Yorkers as they navigate their way through bittersweet drama and romance over the course of New Year's Eve.

Bon Jovi is playing -- here’s a stretch -- a successful rock star who once dumped Berry’s character of a caterer but now finds himself face to face with again at a party.

Meyers will play a broke dad who wants his wife (Biel) to deliver the first baby of the year in order to win a $25,000 reward and finds himself in a heated competition.

Bon Jovi last movie appearance was National Lampoon’s Pucked in 2006. Meyers, head writer of Saturday Night Live, just wrapped I Don't Know How She Does It with Parker.


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