>> Henry Cavill Cast as the New Superman

Source: E Online

Metropolis, you have your new Superman.

Warners Bros. and Legendary Pictures announced today that Henry Cavill has been cast as the man of steel in the new Superman movie.

Cavill, 27, is best known for his role as of Charles Brandon on the Showtime series The Tudors. His latest film—aptly titled for the budding superhero—is Immortals, slated for release this fall.

Zack Snyder, who will be directing the Super reboot, says in a statement: "In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be a part of his return to the big screen. I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and the producers in saying how excited we are about the casting of Henry. He is the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield."

Also rumored to be on the consideration list for the role of Clark Kent was Mad Men's Jon Hamm and True Blood's Joe Manganiello. Superman: Man of Steel is slated for release in December 2012.


Origins Plot

I'm also glad to read that the film will not attempt to cling itself to the previous versions of the Superman franchise nor will it attach itself to a known series within the comic universe of Superman. David S. Goyer has stated that it will be somehwta of an origins story. While I worried that Chris Nolan's hand in all of this would mena that Superman would essentially be another version of Batman Begins, which from earlier word that's how it sounded, but a young Superman looking for his place in a new world seems like a much better concept then the usual. I'd like to see a younger Superman making mistakes, one with a temper, learning about his powers and vulnerabilities without being forced to meet yet another version of the cocky superhero whose completely full of himself and standing as some moral beacon. The idea that he may be young and unsure of himself means he's got room to grow. I'm just hoping that whatever villain they put in the film will prove to be one that can offer him a challange and not just some balled headed super genius who can trick the man of steel into putting on a krytonite necklace. Here's hoping.

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