>> Will Shane Black Direct ‘Iron Man 3’?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Shane Black is in contention to direct Iron Man 3 for Marvel Studios.

The writer/director has powwowed with Marvel execs about his take on the third installment in the blockbuster franchise. As of now he is being considered for the directing job, but the assumption is that if he gets the gig, he would also write a draft.

Insiders said that Black's involvement is far from a sure thing, and that other filmmakers were being looked at.

Marvel is keeping the story direction of Iron Man 3 -- which returns Robert Downey Jr. in the title role -- secret.

Disney, which owns Marvel, is scheduled to release the threequel on May 3, 2013.

The directing spot recently opened up when Jon Favreau, who directed the first two movies, announced he was departing the franchise.

Iron Man 3 would reteam Black and Downey, who worked together on the well-regarded Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which Black directed and co-wrote.

Black made his name writing high-profile specs in the 1980s and 1990s and, with movies such as Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout, was one of the top writers in the action genre.

Boarding Iron Man would prove that the vet filmmaker isn't too old for this s***, to borrow a line from one of his movies. Several weeks ago, Black was tapped to write Death Note, Warner Bros.'s adaptation of a manga, and is working on Doc Savage, Sony's action project based on the classic pulp hero.

Title: Iron Man 3

Genre: Action/Adventure

Director: Shane Black

Studio: Disney


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