>> Will Sasso a Likely Frontrunner for Farrelly Brothers' 'Three Stooges'

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Actor Will Sasso's name has resurfaced as a likely frontrunner to play Moe, Larry or Curly in the Farrelly brothers' Three Stooges, from 20th Century Fox.

Insiders stressed that no deal is in place.

Sasso's possible casting in Three Stooges has been rumored for weeks, with some bloggers suggesting he's well suited to play the role of Curly.

Sasso's credits include the  Katherine Heigl-Josh Duhamel romantic comedy Life As We Know It. Upcoming projects include Thanksgiving toon Arthur Christmas.

Last Friday, Cher tweeted that she's interested in playing a supporting role in Three Stooges.

Title: The Three Stooges

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Will Sasso


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