>> Real Steel Wins The US Box Office Again

Though it looked like this weekend was shaping up to be the clash of the ‘80s reboots over in America, Hugh Jackman and his battling ‘bots ultimately won the bout as Real Steel scored $16.3 million to come out top of the charts for a second week. The remake of Footloose had to content itself with second place, earning $16.1 million. And The Thing arrived in third to a disappointing $8.7 million.

That meant George Clooney’s The Ides of March slipped down to fourth with $7.5 million, while Dolphin Tale fell to fifth and $6.3 million.

Sixth place went to Moneyball, which made $5.5 million. Cancer comedy 50/50 was seventh, earning $4.3 million and Courageous sank to eighth with $3.4 million.

But no matter how bad the teams behind Footloose and The Thing might be feeling today, they can spare a thought for Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black, who saw bird watching rivalry comedy The Big Year lay a big old stinking egg, arriving in ninth place with $3.3 million. And finally, in 10th place, The Lion King (3D) continued to paw in the cash, adding $2.7 million.


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