>> Emma Stone To Star In Crowe Film

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Cameron Crowe has earned all the second chances he could need, having brought the world Say Anything, Singles, Almost Famous and Jerry Maguire, among others. Now, with Elizabethtown a distant memory and recent project We Bought A Zoo a quiet success, it appears one of Crowe’s scripts could be coming back to life with Emma Stone as the leading lady.

While Deadline’s report doesn’t go into detail about which script it might, be, Variety’s Jeff Sneider tweeted that the writer-director’s Deep Tiki, which was to have starred Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon, is getting attention from Sony.

The film would have seen Stiller as a secluded military type who lives alone save for a supercomputer. He gets an assignment to help with a satellite launch, and has to work with an officious liaison to persuade local Hawaiian spiritual elders to get a blessing from their gods.

That, of course, is just one possibility: Crowe has been noodling away with several scripts, so it could be one of those just as much as it could be Tiki resurfacing with younger characters.


Starring: Emma Stone

Director: Cameron Crowe


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