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Wicked Blood

The Rage: Carrie 2

In Theatres: 
Mar 12, 1999
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 41 Minutes

The Rage: Carrie 2 is set in a small town high school, where the members of the football team set the social order. Emulating the "Spur Posse" from Lakewood, California, the boys on the team compete to see who can seduce the most girls, rating them on a point system, and then discarding them as pathetic losers. The story opens with Lisa (Mena Suvari), a victim of this game who responds by jumping off the school to her death. Lisa turns out to be the only friend of Rachel Lang (Emily Bergl). Intelligent but a social outcast, Rachel lives with foster parents; her father is unknown and her mother has been institutionalized. Rachel plans to go after Lisa's victimizer, Eric (Zachery Ty Bryan), but becomes attracted to smart football star Jesse Ryan (Jason London). While this forces the keepers of social order to partially accept her, they secretly plan her downfall. But unknown to them, Rachel's recently arrived hormones have brought on something else -- telekinesis. The one person who recognizes what's happening is guidance counselor Sue Snell (Amy Irving), a lucky survivor of the telekinetic massacre perpetrated by Carrie White (Sissy Spacek) in the original film. Sue wants Rachel to get the help she needs (perhaps as Irving did in her other Brian DePalma film, The Fury) but it's already too late as the stage is set for another showdown at the prom.