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Cody Kahmar

Cody Kahmar

Singer-songwriter, Cody Kahmar, has just released his third single "Last Time," an upbeat must-hear dance-trigger for the masses, today on Global Grind. The beat is funk, pop, dance and disco all rolled into one up-tempo track, a variance from Cody's previous more sensual single, "Sex in the City." From the moment "Last Time" starts to play, the music propels feel-good vibes that say 'timeless party anthem.'

Something that scared you as a child?

One thing I DO remember that scared me when I was little, was the movie "IT". That clown was no joke! I stayed away from storm drains for years...lol.

Perfect gift?

A perfect gift to me is a thoughtful one. It could be small and inexpensive but as long as its from the heart it's perfect. I'm not too picky or superficial.

Hard pillow or soft pillow?

I'd go with a hard pillow any day.

What activity makes you lose track of time?

Painting is a big one. I could put my head down and before I know it it's time to go to sleep. I've painted all day before with out even a bathroom break or eating.

What is your song of choice to get pumped up?

I'm a big Journey fan, so I'd have to say, Journey "Don't Stop Believing".

Do you take selfies?

I do, but not often.

Have you ever borrowed something and never gave it back? If so what?

I have. It was twenty dollars from a friend but i still plan on returning it someday. I haven't forgotten about it.

Last time you ordered room service?

Never have.

How did you start working with Pro Jay?

I met Pro Jay through management. He heard some of my stuff I did on my own and he wanted to try some stuff out with me and it worked out.

When are you planning on releasing an album?

I plan on releasing an album ASAP. Gotta get my ducks n a row.

Interview by Kara Johnson