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OneRepublic: Quickie 10+

"You're only as good as your worst song," says OneRepublic's front man and chief songwriter Ryan Tedder.

Not that he knows anything about writing a dud. The 30-year-old born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has obsessed over the art of pop music for more than a decade. Along the way, he's worked with Rihanna, Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Lopez, Leona Lewis (he shared a 2008 Best Record Grammy nod for her "Bleeding Love"), and other massive stars. And it's all lead him back to his own Denver, Colorado-based band, where he pours out his most heartfelt music. "The writing approach I take for OneRepublic is completely different from the approach I take with anyone else -- it's infinitely harder," Tedder says. "These songs have to be personalized. And I write each of them like it's the last one I'll be able to put out."

That OneRepublic picture gained a new sound with the band's most recent addition. Orange County-native Brent Kutzle has played bass in hardcore and pop punk bands, but has also played the cello since the fourth grade. " I made myself a promise to never join a band where I wasn't able to play both instruments. I could never give up cello�I really love playing it." Using effects such as delay, reverb and looping, Kutzle has transformed the sound of the cello for a rock band.

SHAKEFIRE: You made waves a few years ago for getting noticed via MySpace. At the time, it was a big deal, but do you feel that there is still a stigma attached to that?
BRENT KUTZLE: I think we've realized since then how much online media has grown and are proud to have been on one of the first waves of bands to have attained success that way.

SF: MySpace is on the brink of shuttering and bowing to Facebook.  Do you feel that will be a big loss to the independent music industry?
BK: No, there are plenty of other sources and avenues of hearing new music. There are new social networks dedicated to independent bands that people know about and use.

SF: Do you feel it is important to always be open to crossing genres, such as your affiliation with Timbaland?
BK: We are a very strange band built of five different guys with varying tastes in music. This is how collaborations and genre crossing exists. We aren't the type of band that will stick with one sound and fight till the end to maintain that sound. We just do what we love. OneRepublic has no real guidelines which helps us to be constantly evolving.
SF: You guys have been working in music for a long time now, having various brushes with record labels and potential fame.  Was there ever a time limit or anything you set on attempting a music career?
BK: I know some of the guys did. I, personally, was playing with other bands in LA and joined 1R right before we signed with Interscope. So I guess I'm the lucky one. I know a couple of the older guys set a limit on how long they would spend outside of being signed. There are way too many bands in LA trying to do the same thing so either you plan on spending a massive amount of time pursuing it or you just do it for fun. We were definitely in pursuit.

SF: What is the most surprising thing you have learned since gaining success?
BK: It's a lot more work maintaining it than it is relaxing.

SF: You have performed with a number of artists, small and large as well as a number of huge TV shows across the world.  What has been your favorite so far?
BK: The unanimous answer would be opening for U2 in Europe. We never dreamed that would've been a possibility and couldn't have asked for a better experience. I'm sure every band who's toured with them has said the same.

SF: How many songs do you have written for your third album?  Any titles?
BK: We have about 8 rough ideas of future songs. We'll write about 20 or 30 and choose the best. A couple are "Life in Color" and "Atom Bomb"
SF: Can you give us any news on what 2012 will hold for the band?
BK: We really haven't decided on anything yet. Just the release of a new album and always a bunch of touring. We'll have some pretty great production/lighting on the upcoming tours and will most likely be doing a world tour.

1. College Sports or Professional?
2. Hashtag or RT?
3. What is your ringtone?
4. The last time you sent a love letter...
It's been awhile...
5. I would never be caught listening to...
J Lo
6. Kinect or Wii??
7. How often do you clear your history?
8. Baked or fried?
9. Some people argue that if Ron Paul were elected President, he could restore the economy to post World War II levels, while others argue that he lacks considerably on other key issues.  Keeping that in mind, what is your favorite color?
Ha! Burgundy
10. The last app I downloaded was...
A metro app. for some subways in NY

Peter Oberth
Interview by Peter Oberth
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