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Knights of Badassdom
Adanowsky: ADA


Release Date: 
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Adanowsky is a French Musician and actor whose parents are from Mexico and Chile. This apparently received dance lessons from James Brown and guitar lesson from George Harrison of The Beatles. He has also been the playing the piano since he was 6 years old and he released his first solo album in 2006. However, Adanowsky released his first English album, “ADA,” on April 1st. He has a wealth of talent and he is hoping to expand his fan base in the United States.

For his first English album, “ADA” was an interesting attempt, but still had a couple of bumps to work out. Just like several other cross-over singers, the lyrics on the album were a bit awkward and difficult to relate to, but usually improve over time. As for the overall vibe and feel of the album, it was full of 70’s and 80’s clichés to make older generations happy, but confused younger generations. The instrumentals and variety was like musical buffet that will be sure to satisfy fans of the 70’s and 80’s. I applaud Adanowsky’s commitment to his art and to be unique, but hope he can improve on his lyrics.

My favorite songs were “You’re my Lover” and “Orgasmic and Divine” because they were catchy and stuck in my head for the rest of the day. If you like the 70’s and 80’s, this album is a must have for you. If those genres really aren’t your thing, this album is more of a skip. Regardless, it was a good first try and with some improvement on the lyrics, Adanowsky’s next couple albums should be a lot better. For those reasons, I am giving “ADA” a “C+.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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