American Dad: Season 11 (PREVIEW)

American Dad

Blonde Ambition & CIAPOW
On DVD: 
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
American Dad stumbled into it’s 11th season on October 20th with it’s premiere episode “Blonde Ambition” in which Hayley, after seeing a blonde activist (kind of) receiving tons of names on her petition, decides to dye her hair blonde and take advantage of man’s weakness towards blondes. 
The episode fumbles its way through a staple plot device in which a character believes the grass is greener on the other side, and maybe it is as Hayley finds herself the popular life of the party and able to bring voice to her causes.
Her trip in someone else’s shoes includes a spoof on either Deadmau5 (hell it very well could be Deadmau5 for all I know) or the indie flick Frank. Either way, Hayley lives in a little. 
Meanwhile Stan and Steve find themselves on a mission to find a new house and Stan has the perfect idea where to look, unfortunately it lands them both in a life or death situation with some not so friendly animals.
CIAPOW is the second episode in the season, airing October 27th, and felt a bit more thought out as Stan and his CIA buddies find themselves in Thailand and come face to face with the harsh truth, aka a drone, and realize that maybe they are obsolete. 
Instead of fading out Stan and the boys decide to prove to their boss that they aren’t obsolete by putting themselves on a mission that will prove themselves capable. Unfortunately, if you’ve ever seen the show, these guys definitely do not have the right stuff. 
Meanwhile the rest of the American Dad family is tied up in a slow motion race which is about as fun and exciting as it sounds. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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