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Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Running Time: 
2 Hours, 10 Minutes
Interesting Tidbits

In several of the bedroom scenes, the object Karenin (Jude Law) takes out of a small, oblong box is actually a condom.

“Anna Karenina” is a re-telling of a love story written by Leo Tolstoy. Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley) is an aristocrat in imperial Russia and the year is 1874. She is married to Karenin (Jude Law), who is a very well-known and well respected man in Russia. Anna has it all and is happy until a cavalry officer named Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) catches her eye and her world is turned upside down. To find out what happens to Anna and her love triangle, you are going to have to watch “Anna Karenina.”

The elements of “Anna Karenina” that I did enjoy were the visuals, the costumes, and the overall fell of the movie. I thought this movie was visually stunning and the scene transitions were very thoughtful. “Anna Karenina” felt like a Broadway play, but without all the singing. The movie was very theatrical and well thought out. The best scene of the movie was the ballroom dancing scene because it was so grand, well-coordinated, and choreographed. Also the costumes just helped immerse you even more in the movie’s timed period and their world. “Anna Karenina” even won the Oscar Award for “Best achievement in costume design” this year.

However, the movie itself was fairly long and drawn out. As visually stunning as this movie was, the plot was very confusing, but unpredictable. They did include a good amount of bonus material, such as deleted scenes, director commentary, and cast interviews, but I wish they did a better job of making the story easier to follow instead. This movie will not appeal to everyone, but might be perfect for older audiences and those looking for a good long love story. For those reasons, I am giving “Anna Karenina” a “C

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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