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Awkward: Seasons 1 & 2

Awkward begins with a misunderstanding. Jenna Hamilton didn't try to kill herself, but lots of people seem to think she did. And now she has to navigate the waters of high school and being a teenage girl, her parents, mean girls, a secret boyfriend, and much more.

I was surprised when I saw the first episode of Awkward. Surprised that it was on MTV, land of rejects from New Jersey, Super Sweet 16s, and being strangers picked to live in a house who stop being polite and start getting real. I mean, MTV isn't a stranger to scripted television (and, come on, even some of those reality shows are a bit scripted) but it has been, in my opinion, a stranger to GOOD scripted television. And this is good. Very good.

Awkward honestly takes on a lot of issues that today's teenagers are dealing with. Sure, it does it with a bit of humor, but sometimes a laugh is best to help swallow the harder truths. Some critics of the show say it's got way too much sex in it for them to feel comfortable treating it as a family show or for their kids to even watch it, but if they have 15 year old kids, this stuff is nothing new to them. For me, that it has those things, that it discusses them instead of hides them, is exactly why Awkward is a great show. That and it very well written and the cast is super talented.

This set contains both season 1 and 2, 24 episodes of Jenna and her troubles and triumphs. And it also includes a bunch of webisodes that aired during and between the seasons and a ton of behind the scenes footage.

Awkward is absolutely worth watching, and this set is a great way to start catching up on it if you missed it.

Review by Jason Pace
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