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Bad Luck: Cold Bones

Cold Bones

(Bad Luck)
Release Date: 
Friday, July 11, 2014

They might be called Bad Luck but for this band I don't think they will be having any such luck when it comes to their new album, “Cold Bones”. Playing rock music that's also been fused with some alternative rock and some punk rock to become this energizing, in your face album. Not wanting to settle for one style of music, Bad Luck uses the different tempos of rock, alternative, and punk to create their sound. This sound is one that keeps each and every song from getting boring and being alike while just being injected with bundles of energy.
I wasn't expecting this album to have all the different levels and sounds that it does but once I really got into what was playing, I found that I liked this music. For a debut EP, Cold Bones is an impressive start for Bad Luck. These songs have 3 different levels to them that make the what they are. First the vocals, they are strong, they are loud when they need to be, lower at other times, and full of passion. Second, the lyrics, though they might be sung in a way that makes them sound chipper and fun, some of them are anything but that. The very first track, “Willoughby” is one such song where the lyrics mention how no one loves him and he will die alone.
Even though some of the lyrics are somber and down the beats being put into the songs as well as how the vocals are sung give the songs a full amount of energy. What this EP gives are songs that go from just a grooving tune to having this intense power song. Bad Luck does more than just make their songs have a different sound from track to track, they have made songs that will start one with a particular sound but will change that beat and tempo to give it another sound. There are some moments that the vocals got a little loud where at that moment they felt a little out of place but it's nothing that is going to take anything away from the feeling.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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