Broncho: Just Enough Hip To Be Woman

Just Enough Hip To Be Woman

Release Date: 
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I know I say this often about albums that I like, but it remains very true: I expect to hear this music in an upcoming movie. Broncho’s Just Enough Hip to be Woman is full of garage rock, pop punk ambient tunes to tap your foot to. Just listening to this retro fusion reminded me of one of my very favorite films, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.  I can absolutely imagine Broncho performing during the battle of the bands scene. Or perhaps Broncho will rock in the background of the next quiet, emotional, Seattle scene flick--this is not an insult! Broncho is just so hip and precinct, I don’t know how any music supervisor could resist.

Despite a very college rock feel, the maturity of Broncho’s members shines through the deconstructed, vinyl sound. The vocals and and guitar have a very confident, polished, and practiced sound; they clearly know their art and how to fit together as a band. However, there are times where a leveling of the loudness of the band vs. the singer can detract and it can be hard to understand the what is being sung. Still, JEHtbW is an overall enjoyable experience with a sound that I feel destined to hear on my next cafe excursion.

Maria Jackson
Review by Maria Jackson
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