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Caillou: Big Time Caillou

Caillou: Big Time Caillou

On DVD: 
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Caillou is a typical 4 year-old kid, he loves his toys, he loves to explore the world, to hang out with his friends, and to talk to and play with his parents. Each day he has new events that will encourage him to use his mind and to learn new life lessions. What kind of adventure Caillo gets into will help him enjoy his life and lets him become anything he can think of, even if it don't work out, Caillou will not let that discourage him.

First things first, Caillou is a cartoon targeted for kids, I'm guessing around the ages of 4-8. It's based off the books of the same character where the topics teaches kids life lessons while having fun. The episodes on this DVD set are all basically the same where Caillou starts off with something like seeing his mom getting glasses so he wants a pair and by the end he has learned that his eyes are just fine the way they are without needing glasses. Every episode put Caillou in a situation that a 4 year-old would be in and then has him work his way through it.

Parents will love this for their kids because it will teach them how to be good kids and that they can have fun with life. It's a entertaining show for kids, not so much for an adult with no kid like myself, but I still can see how it would appeal to kids. What I found odd about the cartoon is the way it's been drawn. Some of the scenes will be full screen but most are only centered with a white border around the art. It almost looks like it's a dream with the white borders or if the artist had started to do the coloring but stopped before filling the page. For me it was distracting but I doubt kids will even notice anything is off about the way it looks. Also each of the episodes have short small episodes inside the one. Considering kids don't have long attention spans I'm guessing the short episodes inside the one means they can watch one and be done but not be done with the whole disc.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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