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Caprica: Original Soundtrack to the Syfy Television Series

Caprica: Original Soundtrack to the Syfy Television Series

(Bear McCreary)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Limited Edition

Limited to only 3000 units

I've listened to a bunch of soundtracks while also writing reviews on them so I have come to not be surprised by what I hear. Usually the soundtracks fall into the category of being conducted music that could easily be played in a orchestra hall, played on the radio, have sound clips from the movie/show, or be a mixture of those. With each of these styles the only thing that I expect the music to do is convey an emotional moment that will enhance a scene, even though I might not have watched that particular movie/show, I want to be able to have an idea of what that scene is through the music I hear. Sometimes this works out or it don't but one thing I don't expect is to be surprised by what I hear. The Caparica soundtrack did exactly that, surprised me, not only with the music being played but by the shear amount of music given on the CD's.
Here's the thing that surprised me with these songs, it's different. What I mean is that when listening to the many, many songs on the discs, I heard songs that changed tempos and beats making this immense collection different. There is still a similar sound on a grand scale where the music is composed and it has no vocals or lyrics,  but when listening the tracks change enough to not sound the same from one to the next. What surprised me the most was that the songs had so many different sounds being played in one song. It was almost like having multiple songs cut up and then reformed into one song while still sounding like it was one song.
At times I thought some of the songs could easily be a rock song played on the radio if there had just been some lyrics put to the beat. Though this is still a soundtrack so the songs still keep the tempos and sounds used for conveying the moment of a scene. With most of the songs I could guess that the particular track was being used during a dramatic moment, an intense scene, or a more mellow possible love scene. Though I would have liked some more energy to have been put into the songs but they are still fun to listen to. These songs are also long where most have a play time of minutes with some even reaching over 5 minutes. I've never watching the show Caprica but going by this soundtrack I think I would like it.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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