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Conquest: The War We Rage

The War We Rage

Release Date: 
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Okay, so Conquest sounds an aweful lot like the band has traveled from the early eighties of metal, think Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer, but I don’t think too many people are going to argue with the bands sound. What did throw me back was the content. 
If you’re a metal fan you know that dark themes are usually associated with metal. You have a lot of angst, anger, anti-establishment sentiments, and of course some references to old el Diablo himself. Conquest is angry, sure, but I was amazed to find that most of their songs were pro-America, anti-establishment sure, but arguments against war while still respecting our soldiers. A universal dislike for politicians exists of course, but the band is just pro-military, pro-America, and really express their beliefs in a grassroots America that isn’t afraid to stand up to tyranny to be heard, go against the brutality to make changes. It was both strange and awesome. 
As for the bands sound? You have a ton of guitar solo’s, drums are old school, bass is old school. Vocals range from growls to high notes that kind of made me giggle a bit. It’s everything you could want from an 80’s band, but based in the now. Where you stand on their sound is completely up to you. I both loved it and kind of, meh. In any case, I like that this band has a clear motive when it comes to their lyrics. Definitely worth checking out, especially for the Charlie Daniels cover. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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