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Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 (PREVIEW)

I had the opportunity to review Don’t Trust The B when it first came out and thought that the show, while not overly exhilarating, had a lot of potential. James Van Der Beek pretty much made the show and the chemistry between Krysten Ritter and Dreama Walker was in its infancy. My earlier prediction was that if the two female leads could shape that chemistry and the writing find some coherent line of storytelling the show would go far.

According to internet buzz the show seems to be on shaky ground and it’s not hard to see why after watching Paris, episode 11 of season 2. Ritter seems like annoying background noise, the show having decided, at least in this episode, to focus on Dreama Walker’s character June. June has just started a new job and meets her nemesis. Meanwhile James Van Der Beek’s hilarious hijinks seem to have been toned down as he attempts to help Mark, June’s old co-worker at the local coffee shop, manifest his feelings for June in a good-bye card.

The comedy in this episode seemed unfocused, sporadic in most instances, relying on machine gun fire one-liners and quirky character behavior with no real purpose. With everyone else being placed on the back burner for June’s story it’s obvious that Dreama Walker is not the strongest lead as she stumbles through her plight with her nemesis, Foxy Paris (who thinks up this stuff), played by Angelique Cabral (Friends With Benefits), who herself stumbles through the mediocrity of the stereotypically written frenemy role. With writing this bad it wouldn’t surprise me if the show got pulled entirely. Maybe it was an off episode? In any case something stinks at Apartment 23.


AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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