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Eric & Magill: Night Singers

Night Singers

(Eric & Magill)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eric & Magill, the duo, have an interesting history together and apart. Both of the men who make up the band have played together in other bands, played separately in other bands, one of them has taken time out to teach, one of them has joined the Peace Corp, but both of them have stayed in close enough contact that they managed to put together this album of beautiful soundscapes.

The duo have been promoted in more then a few places as artists of sound. They like to experiment and create lush soundscapes that can, if you let them, transport you into the minds eye of the album. After listening to the album several times I have to admit that it’s true.

The album’s lyrics are pretty much straight forward. One song is about, in so little words, material possessions and status not being worth a thing in the end. There is a song about accepting and knowing what you are and disregarding what anyone else thinks about you, again, in so many words. The lyrics are pretty limited but messages are always forefront in each song.

The real star here is the music. The duo incorporate a list of sounds that are supplied by themselves as well as guest musicians who have come aboard to make Night Singers a reality. There’s everything from pop sensibility to indie/alternative/shoegazer, and even some moments of hard rock that come and go in a flash. I swear there was even some Asian elements in the mix. In any case, the sound on this album is very passionate, especially when it comes to percussion, as you can tell when you head over to their Bandcamp page and listen to Baggage and Clothes.

Will this album stand the test of time? Maybe. It’s very catchy, has a lot of replay potential. There was some aspects of it that sounded kind of average, if you spend a lot of time over at BIRP, but definitely worth a listen. Check it out. Enjoy. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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