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Fargo (Preview)


A Muddy Road
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Air Date: 
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Tonight’s episode of Fargo throws you for a bit of a curve. At first glance it seems like the show is bouncing off the tracks as we find our third episode beginning at the beginning. 
Remember that guy in the trunk of Malvo’s car? Well, were going to meet him and get a bit of his back story. Meanwhile, the fluidity of Lester’s story takes a bit of a backseat. This is pretty much Malvo’s episode, but because it is we get a few surprises out of Molly and Gus that really made me feel like, despite how slowed down the episode seemed, Fargo was still moving forward full speed ahead. 
Malvo, who had quickly solved the Stavros Milos case, has been warned off by Stavros’ bodyguard. Instead of listening to the warning Malvo has decided to take the blackmail case in a new direction. 
Since the very first episode I’ve found Malvo fascinating. He’s got a mix of a wicked streak as well as a kind streak in him. He also like messing with people just to see what happens. This move he makes on the blackmail case is a bit up in the air as far as his motivations go, but all together I can’t wait to see what pans out. 
Meanwhile Molly, having been assigned to the frozen man case which has lead her to, of course, Malvo, is slowly putting the pieces together, much to the dismay of Bill Oswalt. Despite that she sets a trap for Lester. Will he bite? Find out tonight only on FX. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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