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Ghost Hunters: The Ghost Hasn't Left The Building (PREVIEW)

Ghost Hunters

The Ghost Hasn't Left The Building
Regular Air Date: 
Wednesdays @ 9PM ET/PT
Air Date: 
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Ghost Hunters return with a visit to the Shreveport Municipal Auditorium, noted for hosting Elvis Presley’s very first professional performance in 1954. Back from maternity leave is Amy Bruni (Red), who helps the TPAS team ease the minds of venue workers and their guests in getting to the bottom of the mysterious goings on, which include photo’s of spirits occupying seats in the venue as well as strange voices heard throughout the building. Is it the spirit of the king or any number of deceased icons who made their mark in the venue, such as Hank Williams Sr. and Johnny Cash?

As the team heads into the building their given the low down on what’s going on. Strange voices, strange apparitions, odd noises. Without much ado the team unpacks their gear ands splits up to track down some sign of the after life.

If you’ve watched the show you know what to expect. The team will walk through the building asking questions, some silly and some not. They capture some oddities on their equipment that they sometimes hear on the spot or later when reviewing their footage. More importantly, if you know this show as well as I do, you know there is a 50/50 chance you’re in for a snore fest. Aside from some funny banter between Steve and Dave there isn’t a whole lot that goes on that will make a believer out of you. Some of the reactions are typical and some of them are read.

When the TAPS team delivers their findings it’s really up to you if what they say they’ve captured is what they say they’ve captured. Some “voices” end up being nothing more then odd noises, no matter what kind of subtitle they put below it. Some of it actually does sound legit though. In the end though this was not one of the most exciting episodes I’ve ever seen. Basically just more of the same.