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Ghost Shark (PREVIEW)

Ghost Shark

Release Date: 
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Running Time: 
85 minutes
Air Date for Ghost Shark

Ghost Shark will air on the Syfy Channel on August 22, 2013 at 9PM ET/PT

While out on a fishing trip in an attempt to catch an elusive fish that's worth thousands of dollars the unexpected happens. A shark eats the fish they where trying to catch costing them the money that they almost had. Angry at the shark the fishers shoot the shark and throw a grenade at it but before it can die the shark escapes. Just as it dies the shark makes it's way into a mystical cave that allows the sharks ghost to escape into the waters. Revenge is now the only thing this Ghost Shark wants and with the ability to appear in any water, even if it's a glass of water in a room, the shark goes on a wide spread killing spree that seems unstoppable and unbelievable.

There was only one actor out of all the cast that I actually knew, Richard Moll playing Finch the lighthouse keeper or more accurately the creepy old guy that is the only one that knows how to kill a ghost shark. Of course his character is being played over the top where he yells a lot, don't like the kids or anyone for that matter, and has a dark secret. I would say that Richard Moll does a horrible job but truth is he is the best of the acting and I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose. As for the rest of the characters and cast, they are the typical group for a corny, low budget, thriller/horror made for TV movie and as such not that interesting. The cast is young, most are girls, girls that wear very little at times, and all of them give a performance of beginner actors that are getting better roles than local plays but still learning the trade.

Oddly enough this movie has a plot that was different from anything I've seen or even heard about. Nothing was new when it comes to the way the movie was made, the corny acting, the stupid plot, the make absolutely not sense what-so-ever when it comes to reality but the idea that a shark that's been killed has turned into a ghost that is killing people was different. Sure it's stupid, sure it makes no sense how a shark can have a grenade thrown in its mouth and still have a head and swim away, but it was still somewhat original with it's idea. Even though I wasn't too thrilled with the movie because of how stupid it is, I liked that they made the shark have the ability to appear in any water source. People where being killed on the streets and in buildings by a ghost shark and that was just funny. Beyond that, the rest of the movie is the same as all the Syfy made movies with the main characters running around a lot trying to stop whatever disaster that's happening, one character that don't believe them and tries to make the rest of the town/group not believe them, and a guy that can help them but is an outcast. If you've seen one of the Syfy movies you've seen Ghost Shark.



Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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