Green Zone

Green Zone

In Theatres: 
Mar 12, 2010
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 55 Minutes

I am not the biggest fan of military/war films but this movie keeps you guessing until the end and does not disappoint.

The Green Zone is a military movie that looks into the US military operation during 2003 in Baghdad on the hunt for WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). The movie is lead by Matt Damon who is known for his Jason Bourne films. Green Zone reunites Matt Damon with Bourne director Paul Greengrass. 

Green Zone revolves around Chief Miller played by Matt Damon who leads his team through Baghdad on the search for WMD. Miller discovers there is an issue with the intelligence and Miller strikes out on his own mission to discover the truth

Green Zone is a thrill ride into the world of military operations in an unfriendly environment. I am not the biggest fan of military/war films but this movie keeps you guessing until the end and does not disappoint.

Review by Johanna Outlaw