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John Wetton & Richard Palmer-James: Jack-Knife / Monkey Business

Jack-Knife / Monkey Business

(John Wetton & Richard Palmer-James)
Release Date: 
Monday, March 31, 2014

For this album I honestly could find very little info about the band and even less about the CD itself. What I could find out about them is that Jack-knife is a 7 piece band from the mid to late 70s.

They don’t really have anything special going for them. The quality of the CD was all right but not great and didn’t really have a sound of their own. The song Eyesight to the Blind for example, when I first listened to it thought it was going to be a cover of the song who are you by The Who. Most of the songs on this CD have the same type of guitar effects.

One thing that I really didn’t like though was a couple of the songs have very similar almost identical drumbeats. While listing on shuffle it played “Confessions” and then “Dimples.” The drumbeats are so similar that I thought that my phone was playing on repeat and played the same song over again. That’s one thing I cant stand is when a band uses the same drum beat for different songs.

As I said before, the CD really wasn’t anything special and I can kind of see why I wasn’t able to find much about them. This was a type of CD that would just kind of get lost in the mix of music. Not bad but not never really going anywhere.

Wayne Stillson
Review by Wayne Stillson
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