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JT Spangler: What's a Little Heartbreak

What's a Little Heartbreak

(JT Spangler)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Quick Inspiration

"All Alright" was written only two days before recording What's a Little Heartbreak.

I thought I knew what to expect upon first glance at the cover of the upcoming album What's a Little Heartbreak.  I figured Spangler, wearing a beanie and sporting a beard, would be comparable to Jason Mraz or perhaps Jack Johnson.  That assumption couldn't have been further from the truth.  Instead what I discovered was a soulful singer inspired by the '90's R&B boom period lead by artists such as Babyface and Brian McKnight.

Besides the soulful crooning, what really hit me from this album was the spectacular use of horns and the simple, effective song lyrics.  What's a Little Heartbreak kicks off with the feel good tune "All Alright" where emphasis is placed on the funkadelic music as much as the vocals.  "No, No, No" is a breakup song utilizing the horns in a different context than anything else on the album.  Most memorable is the title track where, you guessed it, the horns and a bit of clapping work perfectly in the build to the chorus. 

Obviously, a soul/pop album consisting entirely of songs around love or relationships caters to a particular demographic.  I was becoming painfully aware of this fact around halfway through the LP.  Tracks were beginning to blur together and feel trite.  “Take My Time” is one of those eye-roll inducing, cheesy, love-making tunes hard to take seriously.  Ditto with the cheating ditty “I Wanna Know.”  Thankfully, there was one more standout song in “Shame on You” where Spangler’s voice gets a chance to take center stage as the music is toned down a bit.
Admittedly, I’m not an aficionado when it comes to soul or R&B music.  Listeners more interested in the genre will definitely want to give What’s a Little Heartbreak a spin.  The Motown influence is present in Spangler’s work and the musical accompaniment is reminiscent of that bygone era as well.  Ladies – if you enjoy soulful serenades pick this one up.  Guys – this would make a great gift for that special someone.  Best of luck getting the title track out of your head.

Cody Endres
Review by Cody Endres
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