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Judy Dyble: Flow and Change

Flow and Change

(Judy Dyble)
Release Date: 
Monday, July 15, 2013
After several spins of Judy Dyble’s latest offering, Flow and Change, I know that I like the album, her style, the narrative behind each song, but as a whole? 
Dyble’s voice is without a doubt very beautiful. She manages to bend each verse with the flow of the music, manifest the emotions of each song, and her feminine voice manages to change up between seeming very fragile and creating a sense of strength in contrast to the narrative of the song. 
My first go with the album I really didn’t know what to think. I thought it sounded kind of operatic, far to contemporary for my liking, but as the album pressed on into the darker sounding Beautiful Child (Freya’s Song), I was drawn in.
The entire mood of that particular track was first caught my attention to the narrative storytelling quality that Dyble puts into every song. Sure, her voice is great and the music is very enveloping, but as a whole, songs seem to take on lives of their own, Dyble being a simple medium translating story with the graceful ability and skill that allows her voice to conjure up the emotional levels of the goings on in each song. Beautiful Child simply caused a chain reaction that allowed me to truly listen and invest myself in the album. 
Will this be an album that I find myself listening to week by week? I’ll be honest, probably not. While it is a great album, it seems to serve its purpose in those seemingly right state of mind occasions. Relaxing with it is an obvious. Maybe even finding a certain kind of comfort with Dyble’s voice and storytelling, but as an album that snags your attention for weeks, it’s just not that. Still, I highly suggest to anyone willing to brave stepping off the beaten path. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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